This must be India because HOLY COW. I don’t even know where to start so I guess the beginning works best…
I went out last night looking for something low key to get started. Chess night at The Lamplighter is always a good choice. From there, I was launched into an evening of the unexpected.

Gripped by a sudden change in season, I ventured much farther east than usual and bumped into ancient history. Turns out the infamous Niel’s has established itself over on Quince in a much cleaner iteration. With just enough of the old building present in the new place, I could still feel the loveable sleaze of those karaoke nights in my early 20s. If you’re stuck outside the parkways, it’s a fine place to grab a drink.

After that somewhat surreal pit-stop, it was already 11PM, so I rolled straight to The Buccaneer for the show. Unfortunately, I had just missed Dave Cousar opening up the floor to Yojimbo. Luckily, Dave got back up a little later that night for another solo set before he and Yojimbo jammed us into the wee morning hours. But that comes later. I was able to grab a beer and get a good view right as the youthful New Orleans group fired up the funk.
Serving up all the verve and energy I remember from the last show, the self-dubbed “spastic monkey” on trombone (AKA Carly Meyers AKA adorable-blonde-pixie-sprite-lady) took the crowd through a fantastic round of calisthenics, a little like Jane Fonda on LSD. However, Fonda couldn’t keep up with all that while handling over 6 feet of trombone!

Playing the notoriously difficult instrument since she was five, Meyers skill shines through as she takes her brass outside its typical environment and plays it like a feisty lover. Joy personified, she swings the elongated instrument around in a whirlwind of bluesy jazz. You can be sure Glenn Miller never did this with his trombone.
The other two members of Yojimbo Adam Gertner (drums and cymbals) and Doc Sharp (Keys, Key Bass) keep the undercurrent of funk flowing throughout the ebb and flow of melodies. Gertner has a rare ability to bring the drums to life, weaving a laid back style into the undulating energy of the music. Knowing when to turn up the loud at just the right moments, this is a guy I’d like to share a gin & tonic with. On stage left, Dr. Sharp paints a delightfully dynamic soundscape that ties everything together. In a rare “backstage” video, I got to witness him smoothly managing his keyboards-turned-control-booth. The punctuated groove of his talent effortlessly carries the music through wave after wave of dance-inspiring tunes. Whenever he’s using both hands on the keys, my hips involuntarily start to sway. I’m gonna guess he’s broken more than a few hearts in his journies.

Between sets, Yojimbo informed the crowd of their upcoming activities. Announcing that they are “releasing some new vocal songs in the fall,” they also declared another tour coming in the fall/winter season. “We’d love to see you guys! We’re definitely coming back to Memphis,” Meyers gushed to an excited crowd. There was an email list that I promptly put my name on and the band also touted their Facebook page and hurriedly assured us that their website, while not yet live, is currently in construction.
Wrapping up the first round of blues/funk/jazz fusion during the witching hour, Yojimbo took a short break to re-energize their audio muscles. Dave Cousar came back on stage and entertained those who remained for the second act. Understandably, some of the fans had to get home and get some sleep, Tuesday night and all, you know?

The lucky audience that stuck around was rewarded with a rocking joint set between Dave and “the kids”. Cousar brings a gritty soul to Yojimbo’s funky blues and the result is a psychedelic journey down the rabbit hole. My little camera is only able to capture so much of the magic, but you’ll get the idea if you just close your eyes and listen. Soak it all in, because the elements only align like this every so often.
I’m going to keep uploading the videos from the show. You can monitor my progress over on the How To Leave Home youtube channel. Also, I learned last night that Yojimbo wants to make their next show in Memphis happen on a Friday. So keep your eyes peeled. Some weekend this fall, Memphis is going to smell distinctly funky. When I know the date, so will you.
Who wants to go to Tupelo tonight?