I’m going to do something a little off-the-cuff here.

I’m using pictures to excess so I can emphasize the part this experience I want you to notice.
I discovered something tonight that awakened my memory with metaphorical smelling salts.

I found this Facebook thing about this guy who’s a poet. Then I recalled seeing a guy with a typewriter somewhere. I remember because the picture-taking in that particular area was notably more interesting.

It was an unconventional setup that somehow looked right in place among the crowd of young up-and-comers. The only thing I really regret is not asking for a poem.

Seeing the people waiting for a poem, it makes me want to be one of them. I now have to keep my eyes peeled, for Adam – il poeta.
The next best part of this photo cache is the discovery of the next door neighbor.

The parking was not mind-numbingly terrible either.

Though I did get there before the masses descended.

Hell, there was still food when I showed up. =D
That looks awesome. I would love to go to something like that.