I don’t understand the language of Tweet quite yet. I got a Twitter a few months ago for the same reason I got a Facebook a few years ago – it’s just part of being a part of the digital world. I really appreciate my past self for her foresight. After my livejournal debacle in 2003, I recognize the value of keeping quiet. There little online evidence of what I’ve done with the first part of my life and thankfully I don’t remember a lot of it.
I’m listening to an interview with Robert Khoo and I want people that like things I like to hear it. And I’m a total fan-girl. So you tweet that, right? Do I tag the man himself or is that presumptuous? My upbringing makes me extra sensitive to things like etiquette so I’m totally overthinking things. Still, there will one day be standards taught to BBA graduates on how and when to use meta conversations. Maybe I’ll write the book.
The literary equivalent of art directing is called editor. Rookie writers are great at producing too much. After you get a surplus of ideas the most valuable perspective is what to keep. In some ways, detachment from my inner artist makes me the best critic. I might be blossoming into the perfect Human Resources manager. I just hope I don’t starve to death before then.