Part three of my amazing holiday weekend involved a show at the Hi-Tone on Sunday. This event was held in the small room behind the lounge, so it felt like I was part of a secret club when I paid my cover. Memphis Punk Promotions put together a trio of incredible music ranging from here to Portland, OR. The party was thrown to celebrate the birthday of an upright Memphis citizen. And celebrate we did.

I was late to the party and missed the Hoax, a local collaboration between anti-G and The Memphis Kill-harmonic. The recordings on the internet make me regret missing it – but I’m always glad to have a new local band to track down. I’ll have my eyes peeled for their next engagement. Arriving in the lull between bands gave me a great chance to catch up with friends I’ve never met. I was also able to get my PBR ready, which helped me blend in with the cool kids. It was a topic of conversation more than once while the second act was on stage.

When Avenue Rockers started playing, I was immediately drawn to the back room. A $7 cover on a Monday night is a bit steep for some shows; this set was worth that and more. On their way through Memphis, touring up to New York, the Avenue Rockers chose a great night to be here. Their music is exactly the kind of joyous ska vibe I need right before a pirate punk band rolls in. The two groups played so well off each other I was astounded to discover they were touring in opposite directions. I love happy coincidences.
I ran into some old friends I hadn’t seen in a long while. It was nice to be among friends and enjoy the company of fun people. I met some new friends that I’m excited to run into again. Memphis is growing from so many foundations, it always excites me to see another project going up.

It’s probably better to use a tree analogy, because at some point these projects are going to grow large enough to encroach on each other. Like a jungle canopy, they will all intertwine and make room to create one solid community of art and culture. Watching each seed that sprouts instills more faith in the city. I don’t need to look far before something else innovative springs up.

I jumped in the back room right before Rum Rebellion went on. They seem like a tight group that has seen a lot of road together. Hailing from Portland, they had ventured father east than most of their brethren. But if there is any genre that is under-served in the Bluff City, it’s pirate-inspired music. If you detect sarcasm, ignore it. This music is truly spectacular and undeniably unique.

From the intense captain holding a deceptively bad ass guitar to the giant playing a tiny pipe, the synchronicity of these guys is like a Disney movie on speed. Part of me wanted to link elbows with a matey and dance a jig ; the other part of me was ready to join the fight.
Named for the only armed takeover of the Australian government, the Rum Rebellion is an ideal image for the way I feel listening to punk Irish sea shanties. I’m so glad I made it out to experience this. The video I got was spotty, but there’s one pretty decent piece that I missed the title for. Can someone fill me in?

I’m late getting to bed for a big day of work tomorrow. So can we just suffice it to say that much fun was had. If you see any of these three bands on the bill, I suggest you take a gander. If for no other reason, to say you saw something completely different. Leaving home isn’t supposed to be too comfortable – how would we grow otherwise?
Check out these two events for this weekend. I like the sound of them.
Spillit Story Slam: Education on Friday @ Amurica
James & the Ultrasounds on Saturday at DKDC
*drops mic*
I was fortunate to see avenue rockers in Houston.
I’ve seen them a few times over the past 2 years they’ve grown into a very tight unit.
I’m very proud of them.
I need to check Rum Rebellion out. I have a good 3 hours of Flogging Molly and Dropkick Murphys on a playlist.