Last night at Black Lodge – chaos reigned. Okay, not really. But the party was epic for a Tuesday night. Most of my favorite Memphians converged on the video shop for a collection of bands that was stellar from start to finish. It was my first proper experience with a show at Black Lodge and I was piqued for excitement. The rumor of the Lodge transforming to a full-on venue is ever-so-promising. The potential for a truly unique party environment lies within those red curtains and I believe the people who attend the shows now will help shape what happens at 831 Cooper in the future.
My sense of direction has been on the fritz recently, so I arrived early to scout the lay of the land. I discovered two very important things I was unable to locate in the past. The food and the bathroom. In the past when I was looking for the bathroom I couldn’t find it and I would just leave the party when I needed a potty break. I know, that’s crazy, right? The same was true of the food. I know there were tables up front where I could smell sizzling goodness, but I was too shy to approach the crowd for sustenance.

Early evening, the empty lawn gave me space to inquire about the edibles. I learned that Guerilla Stone offers delicious burgers, dawgs, and wraps at most of the Black Lodge parties. The large crowds preventing me from table access at prior events are because the food is delicious. Shortly after solving that mystery, I located the place of nose-powdering. It turns out it’s a door cleverly hidden among the maze-like stacks of movies in the back. It’s so well hidden there are movies in the bathroom itself!

While waiting in line to visit the bathroom, I met one of the band members from the Nots. It was before I saw her performance, so I didn’t express the level of awe and gratitude she deserves. I will be prepared for the next meeting at the ladies room and make sure to show the proper deference. The Nots were the first band of the night and these ladies are a tough act to follow. A collection of punky brewsters, they bring it with a passion. The lighting gave me a chance to snag some decent video of the show. I was also one of many snapping candids of these girls serving hard core sexy punk. I don’t know if they are riot grrrls, but I’d read their zine any day. Girl power at its best.

The next band up was Fire Retarded, all the way from Wisconsin. I don’t know what they are feeding people up in Madison, but I hope they can ship some down here. Just about every band I’ve heard from that realm has rocked my face off. Fire Retarded was no exception. The backstage view was an ideal place to feel the raw energy undulating off these musicians. Their frantic instrumentation was mirrored in the seizure-like dancing that repeatedly dropped band members to floor. Not phased by silly things like broken strings or overturned drums, they powered through the set like bulldozers filled with rocket fuel. My delicate sensibilities kept me on the outskirts of the action, but I tried to film as much as the lighting allowed. I think the flash photography merely angered these beasts. Of course, that just provoked me take more pictures. I wish every band could perform with this level of chaotic abandon. Alas, there would be nothing but scorched earth if that was the case. Fire Retarded, I applaud you.

By the end of the second act, my old age was trying to lure me back toward home. However, I must have soaked up some of the exuberant vibrations from the dedicated crowd of fans because I soldiered through The Sheiks warm-up to (finally) see their show. I’m so glad I did. The amount of talent these three guys put up in the early AM could have kept me out until dawn. I was blown away by the change of pace they established with their spit-polished rock and roll. I have been anticipating this local band since I missed them at the Buccaneer back in June. Their reputation built an impressive image to live up to and I feel like they delivered on all counts. Finishing the show with class, they bring a raw element of authentic rock to the party.

All in all, this was one of the better Tuesday nights I’ve had in Memphis. I’m glad I fought my natural instinct to hibernate through the last few weeks of summer because this atypical Memphis summer has been full of great surprises. I’m excited for the next party at Black Lodge this Friday – Summerween! That’s right, it’s Halloween in the summer, presented by Brister Street. Because you shouldn’t need an excuse to wear costumes, but the Lodge is giving you one anyway. That skimpy outfit you can’t wear in the chill of late October. Now’s the time. Admission is only $5 if you participate in the party. Non-costume wearers have to pay double due to lack of creativity. I’m notorious for having shitty Halloween costumes, so I might have to actually try this time. Be there. I will.