It’s cold. No matter how many years I live in Memphis, I will loathe that moment when fall disappears. It’s a devastatingly beautiful day but when you walk outside the temperature has dropped 20 degrees in 24 hours. From then on it’s a battle to find heat wherever you can. This year, I’m going to do more than just dig an old coat out of the closet. I want to help fight the cold by sharing some warmth in my community. Fortunately, Tyler Miller of Memphis Punk Promotions has created the perfect opportunity to help those in need.

Get ready because there’s a benefit show next week at the Hi Tone. MPP has set up a multi-genre event where local musicians have come together to support those in need. The cover for this event is only $5 if you donate a lightly used coat. Manna House Memphis, a local haven of hospitality for the poor and homeless, will distribute the jackets to help keep those without heat warmer this winter. Want to give a little bit more? Bring nonperishable food to donate and you’ll also receive coupons from Republic Coffee.
Of course, the real treat here is the huge variety of acts packed into one place. Like a live Pandora station, all types of artists will come together to make this coat/food drive a success. From hardcore to hip hop, there’s something for everyone. There won’t be anywhere to hide from the entertainment. And of course the Hi Tone has plenty of libations available to keep the party rolling all night.

Working with co-organizer Alexander Graham, Tyler quickly secured Memphis Threat as the main event sponsor. A little upstart in 2008 with the tagline “They hate us cause they ain’t us”, Memphis Threat is now a well-known place to find comfortable shirts dripping with Memphis flavor. Be sure to stop by and check out their merch – it’s one-of-a-kind. Their support sparked the fire that made this event happen.
Music is scheduled non-stop on both stages and the lineup is a revolving door of styles. Doors are at 7pm and the cover is $10 if you don’t bring a donation. I’m sure there’s something warm laying around your house that’s worth $5 off your cover, right? So bring a jacket if you want to cut admission price in half. Believe me, $5 is a steal for the night of entertainment that awaits.
In the big room the party kicks of at 8pm with Wicker. This pop punk group is the anchor for Smith7, a non-profit Memphis label that has been around since the late 90s. The crowd-pleasing fun continues with Capgun , a local favorite you can catch in many places. Sometime after 9ish, the Avenging Angels will transition the mood into something else – their stated genre is “Hard Rock/Heavy Metal/ What ever we feel like playing at the time \m/-_-\m/”. Can’t argue with that.
Around 10-or-so the Strengths take the stage. I’m a big fan of this local group. I caught them at their first show around the same time I started blogging. They put out 10 Strong Songs a couple months later. This show come with a nostalgia power-up for me. After that, another of my personal favorites takes the stage, Special Victims Unit (SVU). I’ve met a couple of band members and attest to the undeniable punkness of this group. If you haven’t seen them yet, now is the time.
Around 11:30ish, an up-and-coming group that was recently featured on Rock 103 takes the stage. What We Do In Secret is a local band that plays inspirational hardcore. This description had me scratching my head until I heard them on bandcamp. There’s a counter-intuitive logic behind their mission to “bring the power of Jesus to the chaotic wilderness of reality”. I hear a lot of energy on the album and I can’t wait to see it translate onstage.

After that is a band I have an outstanding rain check with, The Hoax. They opened punk show with Rum Rebellion back in July and I got there just after their set. Talking to one of the band members, I said I would catch their show later this year. I like to honor my drunken assertations when I can remember them, so this is a chance to make good on an old debt.
DJ Catnasty will be on deck all nigh with a unique mix of Punk/Hiphop/ Ska/90’s music. Then he closes down the Big Room with three back-to-back hip-hop performances by Remington, Marco Pavé, and Michael Royal. Marco Pave is a well-known hiphop artist that has made his mark on the “New Memphis” sound. Check out his soundcloud page for an in-depth look at his music and mission. Then jump over to reverbnation to catch a sample of Michael Royal. That should be enough to whet your whistle.
The “small room” behind the lounge is booked at intervals to maximize your fun-at-all-times. Starting off the evening is Jared Dryczymiski @ 8:30pm. This mysterious indie/folk performer has no imprint in the LMGTFYverse. Always there to help, Google suggested that I meant this person instead; I’m pretty sure I didn’t. Either way, all the Jared’s I’ve met are top notch so I expect great things.
Around 9pm, local Indie group Hundred Year Dash takes the stage. These guys had me at Science Rock and then the video they put out on November 12th seals the deal. Naturally this is a groove I can get into because I’m part robot. They are followed by TheWaits, a group I encountered in my very early blogging days. I look forward to getting a proper video of them at Mannafest. Sort of completes the circle in a way.
Around 10:30, after The Waits finish up, the small stage will transform into a not-gonna-stop party central as “?!?” takes the stage. No really, but I’m sure the pre-after-party-party will start near there. It’ll be a cold night in Memphis while MPP heats up Crosstown this Thursday, so bundle up and bring an extra layer to donate.
Thanks. Awesome write up.