I am watching Lost
For the first time ever. That means
No spoilers, dickface!

Glad that’s covered. I’m mostly watching the series alone because a lot of time and planning went into this experience. I’ve managed to avoid (or not remember) any spoilers for over 10 years and I sincerely hope to keep it that way. There are certain people (and you know who you are) that can sense the chance to spoil something and do it involuntarily. One of those annoying habits like a nervous tic. Or halitosis.
So, I’m percolating over here in a new home where every day is full of new experiences and first impressions. My heart wants to be out in Memphis experiencing everything. Instead I’m staying here to experience this television series for the first time. The newness of my reality is an overwhelming wave of sensation every day. I’m pretty sensitive to start with so I’m just going to hide behind six seasons of exciting escapism on a mysterious Forbidden Island. Fortunately, it’s all in keeping with the spirit of How To Leave Home.
I started this weblog because I wanted to become accountable for my own good time. In 2013, I received treatment for major depressive disorder. It was a long, hard spirit quest that taxed me to my limits. In 2014 it started to pay off. I spent almost the entire year wandering around the city like a mermaid that just got legs. The blog is a way to share the experiences I find interesting. It’s also a good motivator to get out off that comfy couch and go do something.
I’m taking a few weeks to experience my new life. I will post what I can when I get out to do things that I just can’t miss. In the meantime, if anyone wants to contribute to this blog, just contact me for details. I want to make How To Leave Home the be something for the community. Basically you just talk about something you did for the first time. First impressions is a pretty broad category, so feel free to be creative.
If you’re stumped on something to do, here are some suggestions of things I might get out for in the next few days:
♦ Grace Askew at DKDC tonight.
♦ New Wave Rebellion plays at the P&H tomorrow.
♦ Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark comedy at Hi Tone Monday the 5th.
♦ Spillit Center Stage: Survival at Amurica Friday, January 9th.
♦ Thelma and the Sleaze at Buccaneer later that same night.
♦ The Memphis Dawls at Layfayette’s on Tuesday, January 13th.
I’m going back in for more J.J. Abrams action. See you on the other side!