And that’s because it IS 76° in Midtown Memphis. In JUNE!
I, for one, am going to enjoy this fabulously dreary weather until the bottom drops out. I just learned that the Cleveland Street Flea Market is open until 5PM on Sundays. And if the picture I’ve found is any indication, it will be a great place to browse for my current luxury vice – dangly earrings! And it’s indoor. Take that, %age chance of inclement weather.
After trolling around the market, I will head over to the Hi Tone for an all ages show. There’s a benefit to support Citizens to Preserve Overton Park. Even if I only stay there for five minutes and only give $5, at least I know I did something to help support something I care about. If my past experiences on Sundays at Hi Tone are any indicator though, I will hang out more than just 5 lousy minutes.

I don’t see an immediate list of who’s performing. Let’s just consider that part of the fun.
Okay, I’m off to get my head on straight so I can relax sooner! Come say Hi and support one of Memphis’s best public parks – da OP! (yeah, you know me)