I have discovered that video editing is a time consuming process. Especially without software. Fortunately, my Sisyphean relationship with technology yields a little more progress every round. So I just need to keep learning.
I went to The Blue Canoe in Tupelo last night to catch Yojimbo a second time. (Note: Word’p’ress spell check does not recognize Tupelo as a proper noun and yet, corrects WordPress automatically.) Driving an hour and a half to see a show is fairly uncommon for me personally. I’m not really the “We’re drivin’ to Florida!” guy in the group. This time the stars aligned perfectly.

I had a friend who didn’t work today and he had missed the show Tuesday, so the drive was just a fun part of the mini-vacation to Elvis’s birthplace. That’s where I got most of the video I need to edit. It was a fun venue and even the regulars were saying they’d never seen it that packed on a weekday night. I would totally go there if there was a show I couldn’t get in Memphis.

I was at the USA vs. Germany World Cup match this morning. It was a very tense game compared to Ghana. Even the chanting felt more like a military drill than something fun. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a great match.

It’s one of those strange European sports moments when we’re happy with the result, even though we lost the game. There’s math involved. It just feels so unnatural to be happy after watching our team lose a game. Oh well, it was a great excuse to take the day off work and get some afternoon beers with the guys. The Brass Door was wonderfully accommodating, as always. The next game is on Tuesday, July 1st at 3PM against Belgium. I highly recommend you get that day off work and find a watch party.
I’m going to take tonight off to get some things in order. I want to expand parts of the blog to make things more streamlined. The last time I tried to make changes, the site was down for 12 hours, so I’m going slow this time. I know there’s fun up ahead this weekend, but I will keep my blinders on until tomorrow. Be safe!