This weekend, about two dozen yogis descended upon Evergreen Yoga Center to share a workshop with the indomitable Kquvien Deweese. I usually have a few anxiety demons circling my head before any major workshop. Going into 10+ hours of yoga class with a new teacher is nerve-wracking. Iyengar yoga teachers can take any form and I’m a sensitive person. However, this is my second experience learning from Kquvien.

I first met her in 2013. Same deal, different workshop. When I signed up, I mainly wanted to meet a yoga teacher with good body art. What I got out of it was so much more. Kquvien is an amazing person with an incisive teaching method. In her instructions, I discovered a different way to see my body. I accessed new back muscles and found a depth of strength I’d never known. That’s when I decided I want to teach yoga. In her, I can see a world where I teach yoga. That weekend planted the seed.
This time, no real anxiety. Just eagerness to learn something new. In the summer, I seriously lost touch with my daily practice. This weekend represents a chance to reset my perspective in a superbly healthy way. I approached the yoga studio Friday with an exceptionally open heart and mind. We began the workshop chanting the first sutra – “Now, yoga begins.” Within an hour, I learned a completely new way to flex my leg.
It’s just that simple. Using surgically precise instructions, Kquvien directs my attention to such specific actions I literally feel new muscles. When she is teaching, I confront the long-term obstacles in my body. Quick successions of poses linked together by one action hammered into chains of motions that connect everything. I found a new hip muscle – the ABDuctor. Singular, not plural. After laying on my back for over an hour alternately turning my thighs, I felt my right side hip flex something new. I tried to find the same thing on the left, but that’s my weaker side. I have faith I’ll find it soon. As long as I keep going to class.

Another nugget in the pan – I found a new way to talk about yoga. Searching for my voice is a constant struggle. Fortunately, yoga is an exceptionally flexible medium. I’m ready to just do it. I hope to find 3-4 willing students with free time on a specific night, TBA.
Until then I’m ready to relax for a while. I have class again on Tuesday. I need a spa pedicure, the longest epsom salt bath ever and good, oily back massage sometime before then. Now taking applications. 😉