Words and feelings seeping out at angles painful to watch.
Emblazoned across the sky for all the moon to see
Not full until she says we can stop
Fulfillment is not something you can buy
Craven, small boys below the bed, sleeping on mattresses from the floor. The floor of where is the question. Location location location. The locomotion of crazy makes a train-ride out of the city hard to ignore. Confetti and silly string is not punk rock, but then again I’m a sap.
I had a pain in my shoulder I can keep off my back with one more reason to go down. Down town to the place where Leroy brown might be found on the ground. A pound can be the puppy or flesh. Ragged, swelling at the sight of blood all over your cock. You don’t mind. You don’t know.
Better to skip the holiday party, in my experience.
Watching the movie is another way to buy into the hype.