
I have no less than 6 drafts I’ve started within the last 2 weeks. My mind got ahead of my schedule for a while. I tend to lay ’em in clutches. It’s the best way to get one or two turtles back in the ocean. Tonight I escape my writer’s block playing with a camera and interesting lighting. There’s also music at my work and that’s worth taking pictures of for at least a moment.

I spent last night hanging out with a nice guy. I’m told that’s a bad thing to call someone but it remains my favorite kind of guy. Nice girls are great too but most of those are already staked out by an alpha personality by the time I meet them. As little as I like to think of women as accessories, many of the people in my life live that way. Keeping a certain distance between their friend self and their partner self. Compartmentalization of each ideal we want to succeed at emulating.

The best people I know don’t have to schedule around a significant other. Living harmoniously is an organic process that feels effortless. Some of the struggles I’ve seen between humans trying to find harmony makes me wonder why more people don’t just stop trying so hard. Forcing a lifestyle on someone else is the opposite of neglect, so do you choose fire or ice? Loneliness has a much better soundtrack, in my humble opinion.

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