Category Archives: Large Events

June 1st

I am the sun and the moon

I have not begun to shine
because the world is not ready for me

The pretention
The pride

I am trained to do the things you taught me
and I am BORED.

My anger swells and I need a place for therapy.
Look at me. I’m art. I’m pretty. I’m the thing you want. Media loves me. I’m great with the tweens.

I know what I am.
So why am I still sad?

Why am I alone and afraid and looking for a reason to keep going?

I am the abyss. Look into me.

On second thought, Take a picture, it’ll last longer.

I’m tired of apologizing. I’m tired of being afraid.
I work hard and I’m ready to be here.

Do your worst. I’m not backing down.

An Unspecified Number of Things To Do In March

Hail to all the ice storm survivors.  As a city, we get the Oscar for most-improved performance in the event of frozen water.  Compared to ’94, I’m proud of Memphis and our little-salt-truck-that-could.   And after that freeze, everything from here on out is practically spring.  In that spirit, it’s time to knock the dust off and get out into the brisk air.  A good time to scout for new hangouts, there’s no reason to break the budget before spring official kicks off. Here are my favorite places to find free-ish things happening in Memphis.  Continue reading An Unspecified Number of Things To Do In March

MannaFest 2014

It’s cold. No matter how many years I live in Memphis, I will loathe that moment when fall disappears.  It’s a devastatingly beautiful day but when you walk outside the temperature has dropped 20 degrees in 24 hours.  From then on it’s a battle to find heat wherever you can.  This year, I’m going to do more than just dig an old coat out of the closet.  I want to help fight the cold by sharing some warmth in my community.  Fortunately, Tyler Miller of Memphis Punk Promotions has created the perfect opportunity to help those in need.  Continue reading MannaFest 2014

PAX: The Lines

The first thing I read about PAX was to plan for lines.  An endless thread about expecting lines and dealing with lines and the silver linings to lines, ad nauseam.  Seriously, I think I got a cavity while reading about how great it is to meet people in lines.  I half expected there to be a local bar called Lines just so the circle was complete.  Turns out there’s a place called Shorty’s that pretty much fills that slot; I still get the trademark on Lines(TM).  Maybe Gabe will draw me a logo?  But, I digress. Continue reading PAX: The Lines

PAX Prime 2014, Part 1

I spent 4 solid days at PAX Prime 2014 and all I can say is, people. So MANY people.  Just…  a lot.  As a whole, that’s pretty much 75% of the takeaway from my first Expo.  The sheer size of this event is hyperbolic.   And as they say, if you build it….  Branded as a Gaming Expo, the variety of exhibitors is astoundingly broad.  I encountered so many interpretations of the word game I think the only thing missing was a dedicated “Head Games” area where emotional vampires could go to feed. Continue reading PAX Prime 2014, Part 1

Memphis Needs Lyft

[Legal caveat: This article does not represent the opinions of Lyft or any of its employees.  Except me, of course.]

Haven’t tried Lyft?  Download the app here.
Use the code RO96 and your first ride is free!


Picture this.

Empty stage.
Matte black floor dotted with the remains of old tape.
A single light bulb dangles from an unseen chain above the stage.
Dusty curtains hang limply, neither open nor shut, simply there.

A woman emerges into the unflattering light carrying a wooden box.
She places the box on the black floor with a thump.
Reaching in her back pocket, she pulls out a container of hand soap.
Using a small caddy, she hooks it over the edge of the box.

Stepping up to stand on top of the box, spreading her arms for balance, the woman turns toward you and folds her hands demurely.
Holding a steady gaze, she smiles and begins to speak…

Continue reading Memphis Needs Lyft

Dodo Bird ~ Yojimbo

I have discovered that video editing is a time consuming process.  Especially without software.  Fortunately, my Sisyphean relationship with technology yields a little more progress every round.  So I just need to keep learning.

Tupeloyojimbo2014I went to The Blue Canoe in Tupelo last night to catch Yojimbo a second time.  (Note: Word’p’ress spell check does not recognize Tupelo as a proper noun and yet, corrects WordPress automatically.)  Driving an hour and a half to see a show is fairly uncommon for me personally.  I’m not really the “We’re drivin’ to Florida!” guy in the group.  This time the stars aligned perfectly.  Continue reading Dodo Bird ~ Yojimbo