Category Archives: P & H Cafe

Do I Wanna Know? – Arctic Monkeys

Ohmigosh – there is SO MUCH to choose from. I don’t think you can swing a dead cat without hitting an event in Memphis this weekend. I’m not even going to mention scheduled weekly stuff this go round – those will be here later. Honestly, if you don’t leave home this weekend you should eat a gallon of shame ice cream. Continue reading Do I Wanna Know? – Arctic Monkeys

Dinny Bulca @ The P&H Cafe 6/10/2014

Hark, rainbows! I’m sure I wasn’t the only one walking around yesterday staring at the eastern sky. There is just something about light refracting through water droplets that makes me feel like a silly little girl. And the good omen cliche held true – it was a glorious night as I flitted about Madison Avenue in search of fun. I managed to chill out and party like a rock star all at the same time.

Continue reading Dinny Bulca @ The P&H Cafe 6/10/2014

Must Be The Moon – !!!

I am glad the rain held off until after dark yesterday. Not only did it make for a great day to be out and about, but the overnight thunderstorm did NOT knock out my power (for once). So today I’m going to start what I hope to be a regular Monday installment – Weeknight Wheelin’. … *blink* … or maybe something less lame.

Aaaanyway… here are some things happening this week. Continue reading Must Be The Moon – !!!

Who needs electricity to have fun?

This girl.

Sad, but true. I think I found a decent solution to the problem though.

So the power was is out. Has been since early yesterday. This was not part of my plan for this weekend. However, I strive to minimize my daily expectations so I can avoid disappointment. (Expectations are the only source of disappointment.) On the bright side, I completed most of my going-about-town work prior to the outage so the only thing left to do was wait. I figured the power would be back on anytime, so I could just relax for a little while.

Continue reading Who needs electricity to have fun?