Three crazy days draped in haze
Foggy memories, litter the roads
Masquerades and monsters’ ball
Selfish shindig shoveling dirt on egos
Alone in the corner, content with my lot
Socialites strained through indifference
Weep and wail, stone faced security
Seeking reparations for years not lived
Same age as a car my father owned
Resale value is relative. I’m a classic.
Hurtling down hills caked in obstacles
No insurance for the worst case.
Category Archives: Ernestine & Hazel’s
Egos & Heros
The party is kind of lame. I know why and can’t say I expected different. I showed up for appearances and stayed for the show. Though wearing my tits-on-a-platter garners less notice each year, it’s still the best method of avoiding eye contact with strangers I’ve found yet.
Doing the rounds, I find myself sitting outside smoking at the side entrance. The wristband theater alone makes it a great seat. The award for Most Patience on South Main goes to man on the door next to me. The way he carries himself is a testament to not giving a fuck about it.
Everyone cycles past, as they’re aught to do. I stay still enjoying the soft glow of my shields, perpetually warding off the unfamiliar. Some pretty faces stop. Then they go. I just sit and think of Michelangelo.
A clown stopped by. He and his tall friend made quite the entertaining pair. Impressed I decided to stare. I saw under the mask a dark indifference tinged with whimsy. The best attention I get is often unsolicited.
Slouching home with no burden left to bear. Pawing my emotions like spiderwebs in a tomb. He takes joy in my lack of composure. Enlarged heads all around. I know what I want. I’m coming to peace with not having it. But I won’t hide the desire in my face.
I’ve been stuck on this moment from last week. Dave Cousar jammin’ with John Paul Keith at the Buccaneer. I think I heard JPK at DKDC last season. I really heard him last week. The vibe there was palpable. A room of talent pulsating with the passion of creation and all you have is my word for it.

R.I.P. Black Lodge Video 1.0
I attended a glorious celebration last night. It was disguised as a Halloween party, but I know in my heart it was a wake for Black Lodge Video. After the Incredible Hook party tonight, the Black Lodge that Memphis has known for over 13 years will metamorphose into something new. Development plans are finalized and Lodge co-founder Matt Martin has announced the impending release of Black Lodge 2.0. But before that can happen, we must say goodbye to an icon of Memphis past. Continue reading R.I.P. Black Lodge Video 1.0

Body Paint & Brothels
Summer heat was in full force last weekend but that didn’t stop the parties. There were so many things to do that I decided to skip everything I had heard about and go find new places for fun. I didn’t have to look far. From an innovative art show to authentic Memphis blues, there’s always something new to see in downtown Memphis. Oddly, the weekend appeared to have an R-rated theme and yet stay PG the entire time.
On Friday I grabbed a ride downtown for the (non) Trolley Night on Main Street. During my time near Madison and Main I discovered an anomaly. Continue reading Body Paint & Brothels

Cinco de Julio

I love the way summer heat and handheld explosives eke out the wild side of most Amuricans in the beginning of July. I think it’s an innate response to all the social repression and politeness that has engulfed civilization. Granted, the thrill of fireworks has been watered down a bit since I was a kid but there’s still something to be said for simply enjoying explosions. I think most people my age can fondly recall the year someone’s dad set fire to the yard while under the influence of child-like enthusiasm and beer.
This year, I spent most of the Fourth hanging out at home. My events calendar convinced me that the real action was on Saturday this year. I was invited to see a large group of upstanding citizens shake their groove thangs during the Big Bad Mamajamma No Excuses Dance Party over in Crosstown. I’m not much of a dancer but there is one specific genre of music I find irresistible – 90s disco. So pretty much from the moment I walked in, I was infected with the beats. Continue reading Cinco de Julio