[Legal caveat: This article does not represent the opinions of Lyft or any of its employees. Except me, of course.]
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Picture this.
Empty stage.
Matte black floor dotted with the remains of old tape.
A single light bulb dangles from an unseen chain above the stage.
Dusty curtains hang limply, neither open nor shut, simply there.
A woman emerges into the unflattering light carrying a wooden box.
She places the box on the black floor with a thump.
Reaching in her back pocket, she pulls out a container of hand soap.
Using a small caddy, she hooks it over the edge of the box.
Stepping up to stand on top of the box, spreading her arms for balance, the woman turns toward you and folds her hands demurely.
Holding a steady gaze, she smiles and begins to speak…
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