Category Archives: mur

Wearing Down

I’ve had a daily obligation to yoga for about 7 days now. From 2pm until 7pm I am in yoga class. Only about an hour of that is actually doing yoga. The rest is getting myself clean, dressed and transported to the studio in time for the 4:30 class and then there’s another hour on the bus after class to get back downtown. It’s a big daily time commitment for a hobby.  Something only the privileged can really manage easily.  So ironically, if I had a job by now, I’d never be able to enjoy this yoga intensive.  That’s my silver lining to unemployment.  Continue reading Wearing Down

Winning Pictures?

I was encouraged to go take pictures at the Bernie Sanders rally because I might get “the shot”. One I can sell.

I asked, “to whom”?”

You know, newspapers. The media. All it takes is one. Just that perfect shot that … does what? Humiliates someone? Idealizes someone else? Grabs attention?

I wish that could motivate me. The idea that there’s a picture I can take that would be worth something to someone else. I just don’t have that connection wired in right now. Besides, I’m pretty certain I’d need to promote my pictures in some way to get the attention of anyone’s monetary resources. It’s just not in me. If I got the chance to profit off of a random picture I’d happen to get credit for I wouldn’t see it as “selling out” my art. It’d be more like selling a jar of tears as snake oil.

I try to keep my parasitic profiting to a minimum unless it involves the upper middle class. Kinda like a holistic Robin Hood.

The Dark Side

Dick pics.  I told a story about dick pics.  It wasn’t the worst story I’ve ever told.  Might even be the best.  The stage at St. Mark’s has a spotlight just bright enough to blind me.  I did my best to emote, but ultimately it was a game of timing.  The adrenaline of being on a stage didn’t overwhelm me this time.  The fear is still there but my desire to tell the story wins out.  My delivery still needs help but as a good friend once said, I get the point across.

Continue reading The Dark Side


Sometimes I wonder if the loud people want to be heard.  A strange form of oral voyeurism that gratifies a well-sauced ego.  I mean, I know I shouldn’t be listening but aren’t they a little disappointed when I’m actually not?  Before I interject in a conversation these days I at least wait until the other person gets to respond.  Half the time they say the same thing I would.  Other half the time they change the subject which is good counterspell to all ignorant comments.  My faith in humanity slowly rebuilds.  Continue reading Eavesdropping

Janu Sirsasana

3 days into the intensive and my mind is already blown. Observing my pose, the instructors casually mentions that benefits of janu sirsasana are enhanced the more obtuse the angle between my legs.  Continue reading Janu Sirsasana

Parental Control

When a child reaches 18 years old and expresses a desire to strike out on their own, the proper response is pride.  Continue reading Parental Control

Man Up Side Down

My writing process is esoteric. My entire approach to living feels esoteric. I’m not sure if it’s solipsism or creativity.  Continue reading Man Up Side Down

I Am Not My Hair

I almost forgot.  The most important discovery I’ve made since arriving in the Pacific Northwest.  Further proof that everywhere is pretty much the same…  Continue reading I Am Not My Hair


I’ve had weeks like this before. So much happening in a short amount of time. I’m happy for the distraction, grateful for the company. I’m also drained to the point of debilitated. Two of the kindest people in my life appear and I’m smiling so much my face hurts. So much I couldn’t even flinch when I didn’t get the job my heart was set on.  Continue reading Exhaustion