It’s been a stressful month. Some of the stress is fantastically good but that doesn’t make me less tense. My period started early and has lingered too long. I haven’t done enough yoga to compensate and the result is a menstrual ellipsis instead of just my period. Mother nature likes to remind me of my limits when I fly this close to the sun. Continue reading Ellipses Menses
Category Archives: mur
I’m at an impromptu comedy show. No one is on stage yet and it’s already hilarious. I’m overhearing a first date conversation. It’s not intentional. But when two slightly insecure people are in unfamiliar territory with each other it resonates at a certain volume. Continue reading Uhmygawd

Scary Acronyms
I might have chlamydia. It’s a long shot but I take every possibility seriously. Almost anything is true if you consider every timeline. More importantly, it’s true for one of my partners and that sucks for him. Some of his other partners are less than pleased and not shy about voicing disapproval. I’m a mature, well-informed person with an incredibly dark sense of humor. My basic response is no big deal, it can happen to any of us. For me, there are essentially three levels of STDs in America – Curable, Treatable and Oh Fuck. Continue reading Scary Acronyms

I haven’t see the worst people can lobby against an organization like the CSPC. Not specifically. I haven’t encountered any real complaints about the concept beyond the all-too-common inability of people to accept what they don’t understand. Then again, sex positivity is just now permeating deeper reaches of middle America. My personal experience is tinged with the havoc sex-negative people wreak on society. Gratefully, the Seattle community will continue to provide a strong sex-positive example for many years to come. Continue reading Uptight

In Her Piece
Visiting the CSPC yesterday, I felt introspective. The exhilaration of last week comes with inevitable wear and tear. Fortunately, this isn’t my first rodeo and I listen to the warnings my body gives me. Skipping the party Saturday and giving an erotic massage Sunday helped me recharge slightly. The satisfaction of making someone feel pleasure, especially when they are new to the sensation, is something I enjoy when feeling drained. Not all gratification is related to orgasms. Continue reading In Her Piece

Blood Clot
At very specific times.
I can see why ancient people
Believe sex is evil
Only takes a
clot of blood
Dropping out of your vagina
After removing a
wad of cotton.
Following days of passionate sex.
My period this month
Started early.
I blame the whole thing
On Mercury
But it’s more likely
Surprise visits used to
bother me
Knowledge is power
At sixteen
Before the internet was
a thing
A frightened young girl
Might see
Evil in blood
And swear never to do it again.
Stooping in the shower
Thumb up my pussy
Gliding around the cervix
Sussing out my G-spot.
Feeling extra clean.
DNA detritus
Pooling at my feet.
Happy to be
Right on track.
With what’s best
for me.

Sexual Repression
I didn’t know what the term slut-shaming really meant until yesterday. Hearing the phrase doesn’t sum up the internal burden of secretly loving sex my whole life. In Seattle, I can just say, “I’m from the South,” and most people nod in commiseration. I could detail my specific self-loathing or recall the flavor of bitter I taste but wallowing is self pity isn’t my thing. I’m happy to know myself enough to be here and look forward to the future. Continue reading Sexual Repression

What I Want
The last time I was properly spanked, I didn’t see it coming. My friend actually listened when I nostalgically reminisced I hadn’t had a good spanking in a very long time. There’s an art to sexually charged spanking that not all people can master. My last spanking was a pleasant coincidence of empathy and intimacy. A magical reminder of something I was missing. A beautiful moment with a good friend.
My daddy issues aside, spanking puts me into a submissive mode. I relish the attention required to sense pleasure in the pain. Attempts to interpret my screams, testing my limits gradually. A gentle caress or teasing word at the right moment is relaxing. It doesn’t take long before I’m dripping wet. In expert style, he finishes with a sharp bite on my ass cheek and cuddles me onto the mattress.
Right before the bite, he commanded me to tell him what I want. I couldn’t. I didn’t know what I wanted. My voice squeaked and I physically clammed up. He sensed my distress and finished promptly. Spared me the drama of using the safe word, especially since I was mute. I was scared but not fearful. Not having a voice is stressful in normal situations. I’m fortunate to have such a loving friend in my life.
That episode is why I’m seeking out a sex positive environment. The best way to get what you want is by asking. I want to at least be able to ask, even if I don’t get what I want. Of course, my recent experience indicates I’ll find things I didn’t even know to look for. I’m going to a singles party tonight and get to discover what edge play is like.
The Truth About Hillary
Face it. 8 years ago, she backed down and Obama became the Democratic nominee. If we learned anything during the previous Clinton era it’s that she’s a savvy businesswoman. I have no doubt she worked out a clause guaranteeing her nomination after he’s done. She’s arrogant enough, she might have even thought he was a 1-term president. That’s why she bothered with Secretary of State.
Thing is, she didn’t expect Bernie. He’s also savvy. I believe he saw the chance coming long before acting on it. The chaotic vacuum left by such an influential time is unmistakable. We the people are ripe for political revolution. If it’s not this election, it will be the next one. An old, white man saying all the right things is the last thing anyone expected, honestly. If Bernie had tits there wouldn’t even be a contest.
A comically bad show by the Republican party only accentuates the importance of the Democratic nomination. Such a poor show in fact, I believe Hillary got drunk and dared Trump to run. Just for shits and giggles. I mean, what better role for a reality TV actor than playing himself in real life? It’s gotten so far out of hand I won’t be surprised if he accidentally wins the whole damn race.
Seriously people. We have a chance to do something more epic than electing a black man president. Let Hillary and Trump duke it out on the red vs blue stage. Then we can all join together and vote for a third color. A viable 3rd party showing in the race for President of the United States is actually worth a Nobel Prize. America is suffocating because this nation is not a dichotomy. Our ruling body should have at least 3 dimensions by now. Even if Bernie doesn’t win.