Category Archives: Random

Romancing A Stoner

I’m dating again. Partially out of boredom but also out of broke-dom. I can’t afford to hang out unless the other person is buying at least one of the rounds. I have attempted to hang out and not buy anything but that doesn’t cure the bore part of my doms. Unless the person I meet is super interesting. That’s not often the case.  Sometime this summer I forgot how to be alone in public.  Starting this project I knew the cost.  Solitude is easier some days than others.  Meeting new companions who show genuine interest only makes the disparity of loneliness even more stark.  Fortunately, the asshat dates make up for that with consistent moments of gratitude for my independent lifestyle.  Continue reading Romancing A Stoner

The Hulkette

I keep my anger in check for the most part. I’m furious with so much of the world, at my own existence, so much of the time I forget it’s there. I don’t feel like Mark Ruffalo really delivered the line to its full potential – I’m always angry. I think it’s why I can walk the streets unmolested almost anywhere. The poor fool that triggers me and unleashes this level of repression might just get his ass killed.  At minimum, gravely wounded.  Continue reading The Hulkette

Happy Hour

I forgot one of my best tricks. Ask for coffee with a shot of Jameson on the side. That gets you two Irish coffees for the price of one. The ratio might be a bit off at first but you get used to it. Just like the taste of cheap beer. It’s not what you want but quantity outranks quality when you are killing time. I have nowhere else to go. Can’t even afford the cover at shows I want to support. The cheapest way to deal with it is get loaded during happy hour and play video games all night.  Continue reading Happy Hour

Crazy Talk

I’m legit crazy. I’ve taken Prozac for the past two and half years to combat my ailment. I have another drug I take to keep my mood level because I’m not bipolar but still have self-destructive mania if I can’t keep it together. My hope is to find regular employment and be self-sufficient. This feels so impossible I’ve started self-identifying as disabled on my job applications. It only seems fair to warn them about my crazy.  Continue reading Crazy Talk

Puppy Love

I finally went out without caring for once.  Don’t care how I look, don’t care how I act.  I just didn’t care at all about life at that point.  Going by the bar on a weekend night, I know better than to get noticed.  Half the people I meet say they are regulars and yet I’ve never seen them.  Regulars are there when I am.  On weeknights or during the day. The slish-slosh Saturday nights you and your buddies love so much wouldn’t be there without the solid bones of weeknight regulars.  Continue reading Puppy Love

Vanilla, 3 Scoops

For my birthday this year, I wanted a sexual fantasy.  I wanted to be the submissive center of attention for 15 minutes at a sex club.   My leather daddy is out of town for Burning Man so I’m didn’t get the VIP treatment he spoiled me with in May.  I put too much faith in chance and planned my party poorly.  I ended up with two enthusiastic men but I’m no stranger to the devil’s threesome so it was a lackluster event in my greater scheme.  It’s my fault really.  Shouldn’t have expectations in the first place.  Continue reading Vanilla, 3 Scoops

Pee Pee Dee

Today is my birthday.  I spent the entire morning not speaking to anyone.  After attending PAX and hanging out with my best friend from Memphis all weekend, not talking feels good.  Working on phones at the Space Needle was an exhausting experience for my vocal chords.  Expanding the range of my voice is tough progress.  It requires working even when I’m tired.  Soreness is a fact of life.  I just want to find somewhere I can be in pain for a good reason.  Continue reading Pee Pee Dee

Strange Days Indeed

I’m not afraid of spiders.  I’ll even say I like zebra tarantulas.  Not so much that I’d keep any as pets but seeing arachnids in general doesn’t give me the heebie-jeebies anymore. I spent a year volunteering at the Memphis Zoo and cleaned the spider tanks once a month.  Experience cured my genetic arachnophobia (on my mother’s side) and gave me valuable perspective.  In most situations I do my best to trap a spider and release it outside as a result.  Unless the little fucker’s got me cornered.  Continue reading Strange Days Indeed