Category Archives: Random


Any party at the P&H on Sunday is worth the cover. Even if you are here alone, this is a magical place and should be respected. Or maybe I have a crush on the owner. Who cares? The weekend of punk in Memphis is spectacular and as one of the geriatric punks, Sunday fits the format.

High energy, practiced, fun shows from performers that have fun even when there’s no audience. It helps that I have date rape fantasies about the band members. I also love a good show.

Cover music is always fun. It’s better than karaoke and people are less afraid to dance to songs from their youth.

It’s hot in here. Fo sho.

June 7

The show at Hi Tone last night was the most fun I’ve had there this year.  Pears made me wish I was young enough to be a slutty groupie again.

Resting up with my cat.  Like you do.


Watching the Wheels…

June 6

Ants ranging about
This once fertile table
Deciding between spilt beer
Or not
A civilization
Of scavengers
by a woman

What if the queen
Had ambition?
Maybe she just needs
Someone to pine for
An easel to fill
Another trip to the beach
One more glass of wine

By the time you know
The world has moved
And she with it
Thanks for playing.


lampmpf2015I was at the Lamp earlier.

I want to go on record that fear is the mind killer and should not be used for motivation. No matter how cute the acronym is.


The first day of Memphis Punk Fest was rocktacular.  I reserve a special place in my heart for metal bands.  I love the energy and passion pouring out of these bands.  The fans take that and serve it right back up so there’s a continuous loop of loud fun and reckless abandon.

This amazing artist has my next owl in her magic hands.
This amazing artist has my next owl in her magic hands.

angelustmpf2015 (2) angelustmpf2015

June 5

I find out information
Just by listening
What I do with it
Is the real secret

Without intervention
People are uninteresting
Raised by baby boomers
In cocoons of false praise

Never trusting, always lusting
She wears a tie
That dangles
Between breasts, fully covered

The only thing between me
And that mountain
Of bad decisions
Is a thin film of respect

A pulsating mass
Of unidentifiable guilt
Slouches against my will
Power of integrity

June 2

I have distinct opinions. I don’t always know what they are
but they are not hidden
For sho
That’s what makes my
brazen behavior feel so natural, even when it’s subtle.

I made a new friend
At least once.
I was even myself almost all day

The feeling that comes
from that
is fear more than anything.
it makes
the idea of getting close
sound uncomfortably out of place.
but that
is why I feel the swarm
of feelings
Stirring in my chest.

I want someone to hear my melody.

June 1st

I am the sun and the moon

I have not begun to shine
because the world is not ready for me

The pretention
The pride

I am trained to do the things you taught me
and I am BORED.

My anger swells and I need a place for therapy.
Look at me. I’m art. I’m pretty. I’m the thing you want. Media loves me. I’m great with the tweens.

I know what I am.
So why am I still sad?

Why am I alone and afraid and looking for a reason to keep going?

I am the abyss. Look into me.

On second thought, Take a picture, it’ll last longer.

I’m tired of apologizing. I’m tired of being afraid.
I work hard and I’m ready to be here.

Do your worst. I’m not backing down.