Seeking comfort in solitude is like
Relaxing in a swamp. Sinking into
The universal spirit only few
Share openly. Mind an unwinding spike
Enjoying oneness amid Nature’s Reich
Beautiful insignificant breakthrough.
Super and the ego open anew
The id savoring a odd hunger strike.
Eyes open, lying awake, still in bed
Hand inattentively petting the cat.
Letting thoughts pool at the back of my head.
Less often contemplated on my back
Loneliness is shared by a common thread
Commonly woven through a welcome mat.
Category Archives: Random
Grave Rolling
In seventh grade, I sprouted breasts. In the eighth grade, the most eligible boy in my class wanted to go steady with me. I was so excited. My mom and I didn’t relate on much so the scoring of high quality boy attention was prime pre-Prime Time TV conversation.
Mom, can I go to the movies this weekend?
Who with?
Oh, honey.
You can’t go out with him.
Why not?
You’ll give Pappy a heart attack.
Truth Is
Smoking isn’t that big of a deal.
I often sit in an empty bar and wonder how much fuss I’d cause taking a puff off my one-hitter. Chances are the staff smokes too. No one else would know. The smell doesn’t stick. It even leaves a pleasant lingering hint that something calming happened here. Like your grandparents house. Continue reading Truth Is

Red Dress
Look out, she’s got the red dress on. The dress I wear when I don’t give a fuck. My clothes meant for the Emperor lost in translation.
So many feats of architechture, illusion, smoke… covering up the natural beauty being. Just be. It’s not good or bad. Don’t ask if the dress makes you look fat – ask if it makes you feel good.
Too much ego is bad for the spine.

5-dolla Lifestyle
I know a wise Canadian name Gwarsbane that lives by a simple rule. If a game isn’t 5$ or under, he probably won’t buy it. Nothing personal against all the people that want to pay more. He finds that it’s more fun to play many cheap games where he periodically finds gold nuggets instead of investing in the one polished gem. At least, that’s how I see it.
I feel the same way about entertainment. Not sure if I mentioned a 5$ lifestyle last summer, but it was definitely on my mind. I look at the options before me and think about what I’d get for a Lincoln. Not a lot in most parts of the city. However, if you just want to buy a coke, roughly 2$, you can be the bartender’s best friend with that $5. Or barista, ahem, for that matter.
Then it comes down to the ambiance. Always with the ambiance! Why do people want to be there. Me? I look for spots you’d find in postapocalyptic Frost poetry.

June 28
Existing isn’t that hard. Taking pride in my existence is where all the stress starts.
I do okay. I work hard, stay honest and smile at strangers. I pay my bills, brush my teeth and wear shoes in public.
When I have 4 hours of free time I don’t know what to do with myself. I can’t hold still and enjoy the stillness. Learning to hold still, i.e. yoga, is something I do to center but it’s still a form of work. I want to be like my cat. Just be still.
Warts n’ all
I’ve had a major breakthrough in my deep, personal exploration of human nature. An epiphany about motivation that is pivotal in my quest for internal peace. Sexual frustration makes me obnoxious.
For example. One of my biggest flaws is talking movies. It’s bad, I know. Unless a truly captivating movie renders me speechless, I’m compelled to ask questions (or worse). I pretty much never see movies in theaters.
As you can imagine, my relationships with movie lovers has suffered over the years. A few die-hard boyfriends (who all happen to like Die Hard) tolerate it and make sure never to watch new movies when I’m around. It’s a fine system, just means I don’t spend a lot of time watching movies. For better or worse.
There is one, oft overlooked solution. Find a way to remove the frustration.
Hm? Wonder why that’s never come up before?
A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum
Who saw that in Latin class?
Who took Latin?
What are we teaching kids now?
Continue reading A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum

June 21st
Today I was the eye of the storm. I that means I only stopped to think twice. I feel bad for anyone caught up in the shit storm surrounding me.
My dad came out mostly unscathed. For Father’s Day, I helped him move furniture. If it were up to me, said furniture would probably have been sold in the great purge of 2015. It will be meted out to my two sisters and favorite relatives eventually, unless I score a moving truck when I head west. But that’s something for future me to worry about. Right now, I’m stoked
Now I’m at the Lamp to catch a punk show. It’s just me and another girl who knows the band and the band. Still the eye of the storm, I drew innocent souls into battle without warning. I understand people are real but that doesn’t stop me from being me.
Good band. I miss Shirley burgers.