Category Archives: Random


Heavy and sweet
Syruping my throat
Bubbling my words
I croak with the effort
Attempting to make
An eloquent scene
Matching the feeling
My heart exudes
Chances to stare
Chalked up to cliche
Advantage, honor code.

The most glaring gaps
Are the simplest thing
Moments not shared
Sushi not eaten.
Shows not binged
Impulses not rewarded.
What hurts run deeper.
Habits accounted for
Mutually budgeted time
Comfortable ideologies
Pets only we share.

I consume less alone.
An unforeseen loss
Interest in longevity.
Lies always exist
Worming around corpses
Of first impressions.
Creating space inside
Filled with love, or pride.
Glaring ego glimmering
Over a tundra of feelings.
Freedom and expression
Can be mutually exclusive.

Last Date

I didn’t even have to be in court. No shared assets, no children, no hard feelings. Just a legal procedure. I’m so grateful to the Baby Boomer generation. Their efforts are what streamlined the whole process. The droves of middle age women discovering new independence and reclaiming their personal freedom has condensed divorce into a 3-page worksheet.

I gotta say though, divorce lawyers are assholes.  Some people like assholes.  I’m into nice guys, personally.

Egos & Heros

The party is kind of lame. I know why and can’t say I expected different. I showed up for appearances and stayed for the show. Though wearing my tits-on-a-platter garners less notice each year, it’s still the best method of avoiding eye contact with strangers I’ve found yet.

Doing the rounds, I find myself sitting outside smoking at the side entrance. The wristband theater alone makes it a great seat. The award for Most Patience on South Main goes to man on the door next to me. The way he carries himself is a testament to not giving a fuck about it.

Everyone cycles past, as they’re aught to do. I stay still enjoying the soft glow of my shields, perpetually warding off the unfamiliar. Some pretty faces stop. Then they go. I just sit and think of Michelangelo.

A clown stopped by. He and his tall friend made quite the entertaining pair. Impressed I decided to stare. I saw under the mask a dark indifference tinged with whimsy. The best attention I get is often unsolicited.

Slouching home with no burden left to bear. Pawing my emotions like spiderwebs in a tomb. He takes joy in my lack of composure. Enlarged heads all around. I know what I want. I’m coming to peace with not having it. But I won’t hide the desire in my face.

Raise the Bar

You don’t see me
Over here silently
Waiting for a chance
Maybe to pounce
Ready to bounce
Find a place to dance

My voice not heard
Gluttonous herd
Ever encroaching swell
Egotistical horizon
Only visible to some
Provide stories to tell

A seat at the bar
Lest I feel bizarre
Caught in a stare
Tolerating smoke
Accepting of folk
Drowning in care

Taste in a touch
Wanted so much
I wonder if you’re real
No need to check
What to expect
Our unspoken deal

Urges build inside
Desires stoutly denied
Pains remain unlearned
Enjoy simply the urge
Slowly building courage
Best rewards as yet earned

Mrs Claus

For the record – I just rocked a sexy Mrs. Claus outfit at the PnH for the SVU video shoot.

I was dubbed a slutty 1996 Holiday Barbie.

This might be the greatest day of my life.

Except Rap and Country

My least favorite phrase is “except rap and country”.
It’s an addendum to the most uninformative answer ever – “I like all music”.
Doesn’t matter if you’re sincere.
That’s the most banal answer possible.

Continue reading Except Rap and Country

Barred Owl

This species of owl exists
in the Eastern United States
(North America,
for future reference)
It has ever since
humans began giving a shit
about where owls live

They, as a species
struggled so hard
adapted so effortlessly
to their environment
that in a mere 20 years
they achieve Manifest Destiny
Greatest of American Dreams

Musta come on too strong
Gun to the face
Shock to the heart
When did it become
either/or, none two shall pass
Not a competitior
In the human race

Change is inevitable
Not always mandatory
Wonderland is where
Stories live in the dark
Ms Poppins is a pusher
I’ve seen the universe
In the pupil of my eye


The left stems from the right
Perhaps evolution is wrong
We didn’t grow from smaller to bigger
Instead our species devolved
Prehistoric co-dependence
Each leg from a different body
Using each other just to stay upright
Finding beauty in symmetry
Exalting coordination
Each of us
for balance.
My two halves
Oily reflection
A shimmer of rainbow
Like gasoline
Over water.
This is why
I won’t date Gemini

Social Gadflies

All relationships end, even the good ones.  Continue reading Social Gadflies