Category Archives: Random

Cost of Living

The most poignant parts of my life happened in books. Every time I discover something great it’s with a fictional companion. Not a wonder I feel destined to write a story. In the meantime, I’m working on telling my stories out loud. I’m the Jane Austen character that wishes she was Jane Austen, not believing in myself is part of the magic. That ability to zone out and take apart the world around me. Not caring what people think and simply continuing on my mission.

I feel freer now than I ever have. The problem is it hurts to breathe. I’m not wanting for anything except more time to process things. Constant sources of entertainment and new experiences. Potential to start over in career paths I once loved. Living in denial this long is a bit like leaving a cult (or a bunker). The cost of living in my previous life was so infinitely higher than here.  Shifts in resources have been dramatic to say the least but the difference is truly the human resources.

Some family networks are too large to fail.  Fortunately, I found a great divestment option that only costs me biological children.  A prodigal soul made better by the journey, regardless of results.  I come from a fertile bunch and resisting the call of motherhood was never an easy decision. My only problem is sapiosexuality doesn’t promote good genetics.  I’m not a physical specimen that should get replicated.  That said, I’m pretty sure I gave birth to a religion recently, so I might live up to my original namesake.


Dynamics of living in a bubble.
Strong trends toward the bottom edge –
that’s where everything settles.
It takes work to reach extremes.
Sometimes you have be at the edge
just to grasp hold of something.
The curve of the globe ensures
different perspectives.  Good thing,
it’s not a contest.

Duality is a false construct.
Seeking a sense of unity,
the idea of oneness .
Can’t quite wrap comprehension
all the way around.
A bracelet that never closes.
Each side an extreme,
bunched up against something
we can’t even conceive.

I honor those that keep reaching.
Philosophers making way
for scientists to build Foundations.
Collaborative internet efforts
Piecing together a Ghost
In a Machine
That can win trivial pursuits.
You must unfold the circle
to understand the line.


I checked the spelling of quandary on Google today.  The first link is a game.  A flash game about empathy and morals, I think. Naturally I have to explore this.  There’s a little game I like to play called Dismantling the Intent Behind Preachy Allegory.  Not really, but my cynicism compels certain behavior and it’s useful to know how far off the center I am at times.  The artwork is a rudimentary version of those Children’s Bible Stories I read in fancy doctor waiting room.  It’s like a trigger, or something.  Continue reading Quandary

Boxed In

My anxiety has manifested into cardboard boxes. I must have 4 dozen or more in here. Probably more. I broke down all the small boxes and put them in the big boxes. Now the big boxes are so heavy I have trouble picking them up.  Continue reading Boxed In

Puppy Photos

Today, my incredibly sparse Facebook news feed surged with supportive messages incorporating pictures of dogs.

Who’s about to die?

Conditioned Air

The biggest luxury of my new apartment is the air conditioning.  Not the fancy compressor kind. Seattle itself is a swamp cooler, especially on the underground side.  All I brought is the fan.  The whole apartment is a breezy 62° at all times.  Having an entire separate room to sleep in – lap of luxury that I’m in – allows me to keep a permanently warm 75° den for just my bed, my clothes and my cats.  It’s an interesting environmental duality.  Gives me endless choices when it comes to yoga.  Continue reading Conditioned Air

Family Weekend

A movie that oddly reminds me of Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead, one of my unconditional favorites from childhood.  Great casting.  Stars a pretty Russian girl.  Snappy directing style.  Excellent music direction.  I can relate to the entire plight.  And, of course, it involves high school.

Has me giggling like a maniac.  Totally worth it for the last 20 minutes alone.  It’s like Rudy at the Miracle On Ice wrapped up in Napoleon Dynamite.

Round and Round

Using the bus system to get around Seattle proper is easy. There are apps to tell you how to get places and apps to tell you where buses can be found stopping. The only thing I didn’t account for is my own insecurity on public transit.  Continue reading Round and Round

Streamline Tavern

Americana distilled, this dive bar apparently got ousted from their original spot on Mercer a year ago due to increased rent costs. So they picked up the bar and walked it one block over to set up shop in another dive spot that was about to close down. Timing worked out for everyone but the bartender confessed that it’s a sign of the time. Apparently a wave of dive bar closures hit Queen Anne recently and the two I’ve found are the remaining holdouts. Based on what I’ve seen, this place should be able to eke out another decade or two at least.

The entire place is lit by neon lights and Christmas lights scattered like cobwebs around the ceiling edges. It’s my second time here and I’m already chatting with the adorable bartender who also reminds me of an old friend. Maybe I’ve had too many friends? Of course, I met most of them while drunk so there’s still room to make an impression. The Wednesday night regulars are filtering in, filling the gaps at the bar. There’s a community of artists in the corner booth with paper and sketches spread out. Two strangers sit across from me watching TV over my head.

The pints of cider are $5 and there’s a coin-op pool table. Most of the patrons seem to smoke cigarettes outside, so having a dugout/joints with me will blend right in. I predict a lot of my laundry money will derive from visits here. “Uh oh, I’m low on quarters. Time to play some pool at the Streamline.” I wonder if they have a weekly pool tournament?