Category Archives: Reasons for Things

Well thought-out posts and in-depth observations. Warning: may contain extensive abstract thought.

I, You, Demand

I don’t have time to write down the things I want to say but one thing is certain, breaking my heart open has yielded a pinata’s worth of emotions. Echoing the rejection I faced for years in my hometown, the person-I-could-have-been in Seattle summarily rejected me this week. Neither path approves of my life choices. Can’t say I blame them. I’m not a model of responsibility and I don’t live for the objects around me. I gave up security in order to carve a chunk out of this world before I go. In the end all we have is the people who love us. I plan to maximize that number in the time I have left. Continue reading I, You, Demand

Quintron and Miss Pussycat

Completely worth $12.  Not sure I like the advertising policy of The Stranger. $10 online, $12 in person. Justified by the service charge that makes the online ticket $14.75 after the fact. What about cash covers that go to the talent? It’s a terrible standard to expect your local talent to perform for free. A psychedelic punk rock puppet show combined with appropriately catchy dance music. I met two hard-core fans before the show and their enthusiasm embodied an entire crowd of fans.  The crowd itself was substantial as well. Continue reading Quintron and Miss Pussycat

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

He doesn’t even like dogs. How could I fall this hard for someone that doesn’t like dogs? Who the hell am I? Continue reading Hit Me With Your Best Shot

Slammin’ the D

I’m a naturally nocturnal creature. In the South, avoiding the sun is an understandable trait. In Seattle, it’s not even a challenge. I can go weeks without seeing direct sunlight if I want. Naturally, this led to a clinical deficiency of Vitamin D after my first winter. Every day felt like running through water and I lost the ability to do more than sleep during my time off. Fighting depression is hard enough without the added struggle to sit upright. In my defense, I took supplements for months to no effect. January, I gained a key piece to the puzzle. Vitamin D is only absorbed when taken with a meal. The opposite of what I do when taking pills in the morning. Oops. Continue reading Slammin’ the D

High School Drama

This doesn’t feel done but I’m tired of looking at it…  Continue reading High School Drama

Lone Wolfe

I’m pure grit in a world that worships cleanliness. An artist raised by pragmatists, I’ve felt out of place since puberty. My mind is logical the same way a fractal pattern is beautiful, there’s an organic root that starts the whole thing. I do very few things without a good reason. The longer I’ve lived, the better I am it. Aging like wine, hopefully I’m complex enough to stand the test of time. That doesn’t make the solitude easy. Those poor bottles of wine, alone in the chilly dark, waiting for an inconceivably grand event that might call for opening them. Valued for just sitting there, they never get a chance to fulfill potential glory. If lucky, good bottles are eventually consumed just so they won’t go to waste. Continue reading Lone Wolfe


Currently, my greatest luxury is knowing I have enough quarters to do laundry without counting. This budget isn’t as hairline thin, compared last year, and things are finally flowing in a positive direction after over a year living in downtown Seattle. I might even luck into another year in my awesome shitty apartment. I tentatively inquired about a rent increase with a reminder of various plumbing/flooding issues from the past year. I adamantly believe I’m the best person to rent that space and am gonna try like hell to stay there. Living alone in LQA might be the only thing keeping me safe in a variety of ways. I won’t stay forever but I’d like another few years. Continue reading Quarters


Watching someone engulfed in flames and the consequent screams is painfully surreal. The monks in Tienanmen Square are much less egotistical about it. Knowing that kid actually existed leaves a taste of reality in my mouth I can’t quite wash away. Probably need some hard liquor. I didn’t start my day thinking about Memphis but it’s hard not to at this point. My walk home last night was littered with mantras about my worthlessness and the desire to stop taking up space. Yet, I’m not dedicated enough to die for it. I view my suicide as that eventual thing I’ll do if I’m desperate enough. Like agreeing to marry someone if you’re both single at forty. Continue reading Flames


I’ve learned something about the service industry this year. Nothing we can steal makes up for what we give them in service. Modern feudalism. Necessary for the operation but expendable as individuals. A difference in perception separates the owner from the worker. Knowing the difference doesn’t equal liberation. Someone must possess a great sense of direction in order to escape the current ruler. A moral compass helps but money is faster.

Continue reading 86’d