Category Archives: Reasons for Things

Well thought-out posts and in-depth observations. Warning: may contain extensive abstract thought.

Strongly Worded Poem to Steve Cohen

Dear Congressman
Driving down the street
I witnessed a most horrific thing.
Not sure if you know about this,
Given the ails of our once great nation.
A small trifle, about some lost souls.
Pardon my shock
I believed the barbaric ritual
Of vigilante dissatisfaction
Fell out of style, like
Wife-beating and electroshock therapy.
Needlessly inflammatory attacks
Implying terrible things
At the entrance of businesses.
dedicated to the care of ladies
and all their parts.
(I’ll remind you, son
All women are ladies.)

The words they use
In the clever URLs
Or loosely rhymed phrases
I don’t blame the words.  Never do.
I’m concerned for these poor zealots
Standing in the cold
In the heat
In the wind
In the rain
Not in the snow.
Memphis shuts down when it snows.
As a registered voter, I wonder
Isn’t there something we can do?
Let’s do them a favor.  Be humane.
Help end a pointless poster board vigil
Come up with some legalese way
To curb this stark blind spot
In the tentative American agreement
To agree to disagree.

I’m appalled that we still ALLOW
This sort of bullying in the streets
of this once-beautiful city.
I, like King, have a dream that one day
Intolerant people will shut the fuck up
And mind their own damn business.
Judged on content of character
and found lacking
In public decency, at least.
I apologize.
My opinions don’t fit into a #.
As a life-long citizen, I’m concerned.
What if a child passing by sees these gangs
Of pamphlet-weilding soul sucking saviors
And accidentally believes them?

Don’t go in there Mommy.  They are murderers.
It’s okay.  I’m here for a yearly checkup with a doctor to make sure I stay healthy.
No murderers?
No dear.
Why did that sign say the doctors are murderers?
Because freedom of speech is legal.
So, I get to say whatever I want?
No, dear.
Why not?
You have a sense of empathy.

Oh, good.

Star Wars

Honest to gawd truth, I had no clue there was a new Star Wars movie coming out today. It’s a pretty insane concept considering my interests and friends, historically. It might be the most telling evidence of my change. I’m just not the person I used to be. Or I’m finally myself again. That part is still unclear.

Either way, my only personal affection for Star Wars is limited to Return of the Jedi. I remember experiencing a very base attraction to Mark Hamill as a young Jedi and an even baser attraction to Cary Fischer as a woman. She’s the first princess I ever identified with. Her way with Harrison Ford says it all.

Anyway, I’m really glad they are making this new trilogy. I’m even happier I don’t give a damn about it. I have zero investment. If it sucks, I’m not out anything. If it’s epic, I have that to look forward to. I’m pretty sure I’ll have time for Hollywood nonsense in another few years or so.

Suicide Survivor

Someone introduced herself as a suicide survivor once.  Interest reflexively piqued, I’m immediately suspicious of anyone advertising self harm.   Continue reading Suicide Survivor


My journey with yoga thus far is almost completely internal.  However, my fine-ass legs are one of the more external results of my hard work and practice.  The added strength and sureness I’ve developed in my body has grown my confidence.  Unfortunately, it’s also the perfect breeding ground for my ego.  Continue reading Ahimsa

Becoming A Yoga Teacher

A number of people have asked me about teaching yoga.  A year ago, I announced I was in yoga teacher training.  I spent my money and met for sessions with a senior level Iyengar teacher.  It would make sense that a year later, I’d be a teacher.  I probably should be.   Continue reading Becoming A Yoga Teacher


Lesson 1 – What you do affects other people.
Lesson 2 – You can’t get everything you need from one person.
Lesson 3 – Not everyone deserves your full attention.

And you can take those to the bank.


Today I sat down to digest.
High and low.
Change in seasons.
Freshness of scars
recently healing.
Burning light waiting
rising and setting.
Always ready.
Catch me sleeping.

Timing is crucial,
reflexes sharp.
Motivated by delusion
Plan B assurance.
Plan A: yoga
Don’t limit scope.
At least, until,
Given a good reason.

The scariest part
of this whole thing
is that it seems
to be working
for me.


I think someone attempted to steal my identity this morning.

Continue reading DeKalb?