Face it. 8 years ago, she backed down and Obama became the Democratic nominee. If we learned anything during the previous Clinton era it’s that she’s a savvy businesswoman. I have no doubt she worked out a clause guaranteeing her nomination after he’s done. She’s arrogant enough, she might have even thought he was a 1-term president. That’s why she bothered with Secretary of State.
Thing is, she didn’t expect Bernie. He’s also savvy. I believe he saw the chance coming long before acting on it. The chaotic vacuum left by such an influential time is unmistakable. We the people are ripe for political revolution. If it’s not this election, it will be the next one. An old, white man saying all the right things is the last thing anyone expected, honestly. If Bernie had tits there wouldn’t even be a contest.
A comically bad show by the Republican party only accentuates the importance of the Democratic nomination. Such a poor show in fact, I believe Hillary got drunk and dared Trump to run. Just for shits and giggles. I mean, what better role for a reality TV actor than playing himself in real life? It’s gotten so far out of hand I won’t be surprised if he accidentally wins the whole damn race.
Seriously people. We have a chance to do something more epic than electing a black man president. Let Hillary and Trump duke it out on the red vs blue stage. Then we can all join together and vote for a third color. A viable 3rd party showing in the race for President of the United States is actually worth a Nobel Prize. America is suffocating because this nation is not a dichotomy. Our ruling body should have at least 3 dimensions by now. Even if Bernie doesn’t win.
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