Category Archives: Quick Thoughts

Blurbs. For the “too long, didn’t read” folks. ;-)

Crosstown Traffic

I went out last night with very little idea of where to go.  The only thing I needed to do was drop a package at the post office.  While there, I noticed a crowd of young ne’er-do-wells loitering in front of Crosstown Arts.  My inner old lady immediately wanted to shake a cane and tell them to all get haircuts.  After I reeled that instinct back in, I meandered across the street to investigate.

Continue reading Crosstown Traffic

Boned @ the Blue Canoe

It took nearly a week, but I finally uploaded all of the video from The Blue Canoe in the mystical land of Tupelo.  Yojimbo just produces too much film-worthy material.  A little ‘ole amateur like me can’t keep up!

It’s all on the Yojimbo playlist here.



The Body Electric

I saw this earlier in the week and didn’t remember it until I went through some pictures…

Sorry for the unsteady hand.
Apologies for the unsteady hand.


Anyone want to go to Mollie’s tonight?



Dodo Bird ~ Yojimbo

I have discovered that video editing is a time consuming process.  Especially without software.  Fortunately, my Sisyphean relationship with technology yields a little more progress every round.  So I just need to keep learning.

Tupeloyojimbo2014I went to The Blue Canoe in Tupelo last night to catch Yojimbo a second time.  (Note: Word’p’ress spell check does not recognize Tupelo as a proper noun and yet, corrects WordPress automatically.)  Driving an hour and a half to see a show is fairly uncommon for me personally.  I’m not really the “We’re drivin’ to Florida!” guy in the group.  This time the stars aligned perfectly.  Continue reading Dodo Bird ~ Yojimbo

Yo Jim Bo !

Alright…   I have no business up this late.  But I just couldn’t sleep until I got at least one video uploaded.  This is just a small taste of what you missed at the Buccaneer last night.  Stay tuned for a potential special double post spread.  (Not the dirty kind.)

Bag O’Bones … at the Bucc

Whew, I’m going to need at least 3 more winds before Thursday.



The Hard Road ~ Smog

After last weekend’s wildness, it’s understandable if you want to take it easy for the next few days.  However, July 4th is around the corner and there will be plenty of private parties for kicking back.  June has been a hot month for happenings and I don’t plan to quit now.  Not everything has to be turned up to 11, so if you’re tired take a look and choose one of the less intense activities for this weekend.

Continue reading The Hard Road ~ Smog

Yoga take me home!

In the 2 hours I have been awake, so much has happened.

The bad news: I have stepped in dog poop no less than 3 times, locked my keys in the car while it was running, set off the theft alarm at Home Depot twice (I’m innocent!), and lost one of my most precious possessions – my glasses.

I know exactly why this cascade of chaos kept occurring. Continue reading Yoga take me home!

Scratch that. Reverse it.

So my gushing post from a few hours ago. It’s actually visible to people now. It’s a long, funny story. Remind me to tell you sometime.

And there was much rejoicing.


Online Presence Established

Now I’ve gone and done it…

I have prepared for this as much as I can and now it is time to take action. Continue reading Online Presence Established