Category Archives: Quick Thoughts

Blurbs. For the “too long, didn’t read” folks. ;-)

R.I.P. Black Lodge Video 1.0

I attended a glorious celebration last night.  It was disguised as a Halloween party, but I know in my heart it was a wake for Black Lodge Video.  After the Incredible Hook party tonight, the Black Lodge that Memphis has known for over 13 years will metamorphose into something new.  Development plans are finalized and Lodge co-founder Matt Martin has announced the impending release of Black Lodge 2.0.  But before that can happen, we must say goodbye to an icon of Memphis past. Continue reading R.I.P. Black Lodge Video 1.0

Here’s lookin at you, girl.

Just one more picture.

Accordion in hand, Marcella loses herself to the music.
Accordion in hand, Marcella loses herself to the music.

On site, on mind.

Someone hugged me last night and said, “keep doing what you do,” as I was leaving the Buccaneer.  I’m optimistically assuming he had any idea who I am.  Even if he just knows the genre of art I work in, I’ll take the encouragement.  More importantly, he hugged me at a time I really needed a hug.  Memphis is like that sometimes.  You just have to relax and accept a hug from a stranger.

I’m at DKDC right now waiting for The Lovers to set up.  Yes, that’s a third Marcella show in a row.  The three different venues are so staggeringly different from each other, it never feels like the same show.  From Mollie Fontaine Lounge to the Buccaneer and then a third night in Cooper Young.  It makes me wonder how she handles the disparity in audience.  Aspects of DKDC cycle into the Thursday night crowd…


But more on that later.  Now for the music.


The Google Adventure

I just watched what might be the best targeted advertising of the year.  Then again, I don’t watch that much TV.

I’m also impressed with the new game genres that developed while I was gone.  I might have to get in on some of this shit.

Mobility Achieved!

This little blog has learned to walk.  Huzzah! (Ask me about my Huzzah.)

Hopefully this change will yield more posts and (better) more youtube uploads.  I bit the bullet and got myself a Surface Pro 3.  A rare moment of budgeting and bravery, this is an investment and I am treating it as such.

Now I just have to learn how to use it.  I’m pretty much treating it like my desktop at the moment, which Windows 8 kindly allows for for a newb like me.  As I attune to the dynamic quality of this machine, I believe it will become a seamless part of my creative experience.  As with any Windows version, I have to learn how to break down the parts so I can rebuild it for my own purposes.

Until then – I’ve got a new toy, yay!


Now with Video!

I just got back from a wonderful party at Black Lodge.  Not made for everyone, this performance was custom fit to me.  Immersed in the right amount of light and sound, I was able to relax completely.  I’m not even going to try writing about it.  Just listen. Continue reading Now with Video!

Full Moon Saturday Night

I have an acute case of fun poisoning. Can’t be my usual flaky self. Everyone be safe tonight. Report back to tell me what I missed.

You might miss something.
You might miss something.