Category Archives: Quick Thoughts

Blurbs. For the “too long, didn’t read” folks. ;-)

June 11

I missed yesterday. Overslept and worked a double. Today there are no excuses.

Imagine a world without television. Not the physical object – the collection of artistic consumer-driven expression affectionately called teevee. Hollywood used to treat weekly programs as the red-headed step child of real productions. Movies make stars and television makes ratings. The artistry of a movie is in the acting and directing. Bad writing is compensated by the other elements of production. TV shows don’t have as much wiggle room. To get viewers you must have good writing. A great cast is almost as important but I’ve seen great shows make mediocre actors into stars. Just as I’ve seen movies where excellent acting elevates a bad script.

It’s a challenge to stay fresh on a low budget. You have to have a spark of creativity fueling the fire. You must connect to basic human nature and draw fans into a world that they believe exists.

It also helps to have a hot chick.

I’m alone

We’re all alone.
Some hide it better.
I do the best I can.
Work with what I’ve got.
You’ve all got
the chance to do better.
I choose
Not to die, every day.
That’s better.

what it’s like
trapped in a well.
Neck sore
from craning
Throat raw
from crying
Chest heavy
from failing.
Trying to get out
At least.

An untapped wealth
Used up
Before it existed.
Surviving until
my expiration

June 9

One     Two     Three
Bowling into memory
Not there
Don’t remember
Painted whore
Valued as nothing
Given everything
Too common
To Rebel
Too sharp
To Educate
Too female
To consider an equal.
Nesting as the egg
Flying as the chicken.

Continue reading June 9

June 8

Today, I slept.


I’ve felt this feeling before.
Not just lonely
Dead to the world
A glimpse for many
Pictured in a different world.

I want more.
Rather be alone
Than tolerated.
I want respect
More than attention.
I’m depressed
Not desperate.

The Gloryholes

Do women wear less and less clothing as every festival winds down or is it just a punk thing?  Clothing should never be a reason to stay home.


I want The Gloryholes to play my birthday.  You think I’m kidding but I’m not.  I won’t rule anything out until I actually hear the word NO.


Any party at the P&H on Sunday is worth the cover. Even if you are here alone, this is a magical place and should be respected. Or maybe I have a crush on the owner. Who cares? The weekend of punk in Memphis is spectacular and as one of the geriatric punks, Sunday fits the format.

High energy, practiced, fun shows from performers that have fun even when there’s no audience. It helps that I have date rape fantasies about the band members. I also love a good show.

Cover music is always fun. It’s better than karaoke and people are less afraid to dance to songs from their youth.

It’s hot in here. Fo sho.

June 7

The show at Hi Tone last night was the most fun I’ve had there this year.  Pears made me wish I was young enough to be a slutty groupie again.

Resting up with my cat.  Like you do.


Watching the Wheels…

June 6

Ants ranging about
This once fertile table
Deciding between spilt beer
Or not
A civilization
Of scavengers
by a woman

What if the queen
Had ambition?
Maybe she just needs
Someone to pine for
An easel to fill
Another trip to the beach
One more glass of wine

By the time you know
The world has moved
And she with it
Thanks for playing.


lampmpf2015I was at the Lamp earlier.

I want to go on record that fear is the mind killer and should not be used for motivation. No matter how cute the acronym is.