Category Archives: Quick Thoughts

Blurbs. For the “too long, didn’t read” folks. ;-)

June 29

I woke up this morning.

After drifting away
The fog has dissipated
Snapped to attention
Seeing clearly and it’s
first time this summer.

The sun illuminates
And the moon glows
Neither see too
Well themselves.

Driving west
Freedom’s best
When you know what you want.

Vibrant feelings
Wash over me
Rainbow sunshine
Don’t mind the glare.

Always, One Thing
I staunchly support
Is Equality
Whether or not
It applies to me.

Other marriages
Plans don’t changeOther divorces
Human nature
Like you do.

The cats are clean
The room is swept.
Two more movesand many miles
Before I sleep.


I’m late cleaning.  I just digitally cleansed my phone.  I found pockets of debris from last year even.  It was not fun.  Made me realize the boxes of physical items from my past that I’m agonizing over isn’t really that much if you consider how much “stuff” we digitally haul around every day.

I got rid of something like a gignahalf of pictures and video.  Don’t even get me started about how all this plays into the bigger scheme of things.

Suffice it to say, I’m comfortable for the first time in ages.  Still have miles to go before I sleep.


I have discovered a way to sit in bradvajasana I legs (check) on my couch with support. I let my legs have enough compression for effect but enough space to breath. The focus is in the hips. A block under one hip, Princess and the Pea style. After about 5-10 minutes of sitting lifted and periodically doing light turns in the proper direction I could feel my lumbosacral muscles relaxing. Like chocolate melting, fibrous knots of muscle slowly release and descend. During the second set I could feel effects as far up as my neck. Keeping my chest lifted was the hardest part.

I still use music to set my mind at home. It’s about 50-70% effective depending on the music. My attention span is at odds with the flow of time. That’s my work on stillness. It’s the main battle in my war against entropy.

June 28

Existing isn’t that hard.  Taking pride in my existence is where all the stress starts.

I do okay.  I work hard, stay honest and smile at strangers.  I pay my bills, brush my teeth and wear shoes in public.

When I have 4 hours of free time I don’t know what to do with myself.  I can’t hold still and enjoy the stillness.  Learning to hold still, i.e. yoga, is something I do to center but it’s still a form of work.  I want to be like my cat.  Just be still.

Warts n’ all

I’ve had a major breakthrough in my deep, personal exploration of human nature. An epiphany about motivation that is pivotal in my quest for internal peace.  Sexual frustration makes me obnoxious.

For example.  One of my biggest flaws is talking movies. It’s bad, I know. Unless a truly captivating movie renders me speechless, I’m compelled to ask questions (or worse). I pretty much never see movies in theaters.

As you can imagine, my relationships with movie lovers has suffered over the years. A few die-hard boyfriends (who all happen to like Die Hard) tolerate it and make sure never to watch new movies when I’m around. It’s a fine system, just means I don’t spend a lot of time watching movies. For better or worse.

There is one, oft overlooked solution.  Find a way to remove the frustration.


Hm?  Wonder why that’s never come up before?

June 27

I missed a day. Fortunately, I think the interference has cleared and I made it up yesterday. I’m exhausted to my core. I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut repeatedly and my left arm is Rasputin.

I’ve taken stock of my resources and I’m pretty sure I’ll make it. I have patience on my side.

It’s a beautiful summer. I think I’ll play some video games.

A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum

Who saw that in Latin class?

Who took Latin?

What are we teaching kids now?

Continue reading A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum

June 25

I did many things today.

Continue reading June 25

June 24

Watching Seinfeld. Pretty much for the first time. I know I was tuned in to the program during a formative part of my youth.  That was at least 3 lifetimes ago though.  Continue reading June 24