Category Archives: Quick Thoughts

Blurbs. For the “too long, didn’t read” folks. ;-)


Flew out of Seattle at 22:30 yesterday while fighting mild discomfort and chronic irritation the entire way. After a 4-day rager at PAX Prime 2015, I’m suffering from fatigue for at least 2 rounds. I have a pretty high constitution but suffered a critical hit from some bad squid on Sunday night. It’s a shame, I enjoyed the ambiance thereContinue reading PAXiphany!

Thanks Seattle

MY second year of PAX has come to close. It took me a minute to get into the groove this time, probably due to extreme fatigue from my “real life”. Despite over 8 hours of sleep both Thursday and Friday nights I did not feel fully rested until Saturday morning. Fortunately, I don’t make plans for this convention. Expo floor bells & whistles, merchandise doo-dads, and enticing panel descriptions all blur together. I simply show up and let the con happen to me.

A particular highlight this year was the chance to pull up a chair to chat with Jerry (Tycho) during an autograph session.  I confessed that my Surface Pro 3 purchase was almost entirely based on their endorsement.  Then, extolling it’s wonders of multi-tasking and effective portability, I described how my blogging life grew and developed thanks to PA’s influence.  I inquired about Windows 10 and Jerry assuaged my fear of a Microsoft “free upgrade”.  My copy is reserved.

I gave him a copy of my card and half-jokingly told the boys I’d see them again soon.  I am determined to get hired onto the PA staff.  I asked Mr. Khoo last year and again this year if I can have a job.  I am 100% sure that I have a skill set not currently represented in their office.  Nothing against the current staff, who all possess extensive talents I can’t even begin to fathom.  But I have the power of invisibility and get a +20 bonus to diplomacy in any business setting.  My past is as curious as Alice’s Wonderland and the direction I’m heading has nothing but sunshine on the path.  Really, anyone I work for is lucky to have me.  In the case of Penny Arcade, I would be equally lucky to learn from them.

As a business model, PA is as unique as I am.  This can not be ignored.  I’ll keep asking Khoo to hire me every chance I get – no matter how inappropriate.  The worst thing he can do is keep saying no.


In the realm of gaming there are a few things on the horizon I’m keeping an eye on – Hob, Doom, Superfight, Fallout 4 and Uncharted 4.  I might have to date someone with a PS4 when that last one comes out.  😉


Flight is boarding.  See you in Memphis.

Mike & Jerry

Just like last year, the line to meet Gabe & Tycho was non-existent. I pulled up a chair and sat down to talk for nearly 20 minutes. We discussed the benefits of a Surface Pro, incredulity at the lack of line, and commiseration on the number of pieces involved in a Star Wars board game.

I will ask for a job every year. One day, I will succeed.

Day 1: PAX Prime

Riding up the escalator pressed in a warm mass of humans, it finally hits me – I’m back at PAX. Exactly as last year, organized chaos seeps out of the walls. Endless entertainment for anyone patient. Non-stop frustration if you attempt to plan any goals. I float nondescript, occasionally stopping at a vacant table to learn something new.

I bought a game called Superfight. It’s a better version of Cards Against Humanity. Better for me at least.

I also checked out a game called Hob. This is a game I will play.


I haven’t seen this much flannel since the mid-90s. Still, I feel at home. Often I forget my appearance. Nondescript most of my life, changing my hair color doesn’t change that. Worried about the intimidation of a big city, decked out in all its individuality. A debutante ball for introverts.

Detached from the results, this is my time to be odd in a sea of strange. Smiling and eager, I can’t get enough of the discomfort when I talk to a stranger without preamble. Southern accent, overalls, purple hair. I fit right in here. Fun to be around.

Patience and openness guarantees a good time. No room share facilitates good sleep. Liking who I am exemplifies why I came here. Surrounded by chaos, even sitting still is entertaining.

I want to reach out to the heart of the world and show them the serenity of a faceless mob. We’re all here to have fun. Be nice or leave!


I’m in a window of shamelessness that only arises before a true vacation. Planned since February, the extent of relaxation is proportional to depth of commitment. A singular experience to consume my voluntary time 2300 miles from here. Complete anonymity. Simulated Alzheimer’s, meeting the same people 4 days in a row.

If I get a job offer, I can be moved in a month.

I am eerily calm. I want to be there and am patiently counting the hours. The perfect escape, ripe for the picking. Clutching hold, Tantalus in quicksand, refusing to let go.

I fly.

Too Much

I took on more than I could handle.
I failed to meet my ultra high standards
I overslept. I need to ease up.
Fortunately, cats are patient creatures.

I had a similar experience with acid once
Where the standards are pretty high
I still managed to exceed them
Shining all diamond-like from the couch.

My reality will not continue like that
I can relax knowing which way is up
The glass ceiling is made of ice
Protecting us from all the polar bears.

Do you see the shadows or the fire
Main action usually found in extremes
Mistake to ignore the space in-between
That’s where most choose to live.

Doing as little as possible not the same
Frigid indifference, warmth on demand,
Centuries of ingrained submission.
I will only submit if you’ve earned it.

I Got Lucky

So many meanings.
Past tense implies hindsight.
In retrospect
I have Obnoxious luck.

Which traffic ticket?
Boston? Union? 240?
Dark humor clouds
hovering above me.

Luck of the draw
Genetic jackpot
If that dragon doesn’t
give you cancer.

There is that time
I met a friend
after Officer Cherry
served and protected us.

Or the chance I took
On a stranger
Gut trusted, salvation achieved
Lucky me.