Category Archives: Quick Thoughts

Blurbs. For the “too long, didn’t read” folks. ;-)

Iyengar Yoga

I suffer from depression.  The most textbook cliche major depressive disorder you can imagine.  It started at puberty, strongly influenced my adolescence and helped me achieve a mid-life crisis by age 31.  Throughout, I vacillated between self-pity pariah and lab rat.  Eking out employment in classically short spurts, rarely making connections with other humans.  When I was young and frail,  my family helped me survive the worst of it.  Now I’m old and frail.  Owing to a lucky combination of western medicine and yoga, I’m still here.  Just barely.

Yoga is a part of my life like water in a fountain.  I discovered it way back in 1999.  I had a membership to Gold’s Gym and they signed an energetic tan woman from LA for a 6 month contract.  She taught Yoga.  No qualifier.  Yoga “brands” had only infiltrated elite coastal cities at the time.  In hindsight, her style was a great foundation for the basic principles that make all styles of yoga fundamentally the same.  Once that teacher left one of the students from the series took over the class.  She’d passed her torch to a candlestick.  I quickly lost interest.  The shininess of the instructor was part of the draw.

Yoga didn’t come back into my life for a long while.  I lived whole lifetimes without it in my 20’s.  Then I found my studio and in it a community that feels the way I can feel.  Not always the same feelings, but the same sense of self-awareness.  It’s the one place I can cry without judgement.  My light within shines softly, waiting for a chance to light the torch.

Urdhva Uphavista Cleanasana

Clothes Mountain
Sits before me.
It was in a black hole
Disguised as a closet.
I discovered the rift
While exploring
Feng Shui, aka,
Cleaning the kitchen.
Upper Middle Class guilt
Compels me to give
Them all away, just so
I can’t neglect them.
The children nor the clothes.
Instead I swept up
A salad of cat byproducts
And three toenails.
Yoga for balance
A quick realignment
Breathing light
Into the dark.
A quick respite
Scissors ready.
Enthusiasm ingested.
Time to demolish
Some retail value.


The left stems from the right
Perhaps evolution is wrong
We didn’t grow from smaller to bigger
Instead our species devolved
Prehistoric co-dependence
Each leg from a different body
Using each other just to stay upright
Finding beauty in symmetry
Exalting coordination
Each of us
for balance.
My two halves
Oily reflection
A shimmer of rainbow
Like gasoline
Over water.
This is why
I won’t date Gemini

mami chula

In this case, I don’t mind being objectified.

Continue reading mami chula


This TV series is awesome.  The first episode is non-stop deadly lion action.  Smart lions!  I quote, “Looks like the lions got to the radiator.”  I shit you not.

Then again, I’m a fan of Strays because I root for the cats.  😉

Hiding in Plain Sight

I love who I am and what I do. That doesn’t mean I speed in Germantown or march into parties with blue lights outside. Being a badass also entails showing respect to the rest of the world. Granted, I should have dropped the hammer on the self-absorbed hooker behind me that talked through the ENTIRE Indigo Girls show. But my pace generally involves living and letting live. Making that poor insecure asshole feel worse about being boring and unnoticeable would not have made her shut up. Besides, she doesn’t deserve honesty from me.

No, I reserve my anger and criticism for people who want to grow. I’m here to help, but only when you’re ready.

Am I crazy?

I thought Newby’s closed?

But then this user started following me on Instagram today.  I’m curious to see where this goes…

Blood Oranges

I can only disappoint you
I’ll always let you down

I’m only good enough
Until I’m not
My biggest accomplishments
Marked by no problems
Not much fanfare
For the support team

Giving all I’ve got
Only works once
Eventually I need
To get something back
My value runs deep
I am not Endless

Cherish the worth
Forgive the flaws
My needs have become
Too much for one
Too much for any one
Safety in numbers

Personality rules
Societal structure
Manageable vices
Anonymous struggle
Still working
From home.