Category Archives: Quick Thoughts

Blurbs. For the “too long, didn’t read” folks. ;-)

Everywhere Is the Same

Last night was a perfect night. Good music, good friends and a room full of beautiful people. Makes me wonder why I left. Except I know the same fun surrounding me last night is also in Seattle. I spent most of the night listening to music and hanging out alone. I can do that just about anywhere. I’m not sure the music will be as good in the PNW places I find but that’s just because Memphis has spoiled me.

I asked a boy in Portland if the city has any blues or soul music. He said, “Sure we have blues but not really any soul – mainly because we’re all white!” He was attempting a bad joke but I find it very telling. I’m lily white and yet I know what soul is. For all the progressive outlooks in the area there are clearly some cultural gaps in my new home. Maybe it’s part of my job to help rectify that.

Makes Me Want To Stand Still

It’s almost a week since I drove out of Memphis and yet I’m right back here again. I decided that flying my cats on a plane is easier (for all of us) than having them in the car for 4 days. The motels I used did have options for pets but I would have felt bad leaving them in the car for an hour at the Grand Canyon. Instead they are going to cuddle next to each other in a bag for the most terrifying 10 hours of their existence. Unless the plane crashes, they’ll survive.

I wish I’d finished closing up my old apartment before leaving. I did 93% of the work and that seemed like enough at the time. Coming back, it feels like I could have done more. Fortunately I have help. Here I have people that come to my aid almost without having to ask. It’s what family does for each other around here. In Seattle, I have absolutely no help so if I want something done… ya know. Whenever I need something, my primary solution is to just do without. If I still need it the next day – order it from Amazon.

Given my disposition, it’s a risky startup. While the independence I gain each day I survive fills me with overwhelming happiness, the risk of falling into a deep depressive episode remains very real. All it takes is one crisis I don’t have a fix for and I could plummet into a pit of self-disgust and worthlessness. Fortunately, I take my meds and do my yoga. After that it’s just one day at a time.

Driving Back To Portland

I didn’t remember I had use of my center rear view mirror until 45 minutes outside of Portland.  Why, you might ask, am I driving back to Portland after making the daunting trek across the country only stopping to eat, sleep and see the Grand Canyon?  To see a show of course.  Symptoms are playing at a club near my friend’s place.

I need internet at home.  It’s the last link in this chain of support I’ve rigged up.  I’m on the west coast, I know what I want – now I just have to do it.  Driving South for the first time this week, I decided it would be poignant to cue up the Dead Soldiers.  The twang in Teddy Gene Mountain echoed off the evergreens around I-5 and I caught myself welling up.  By One More Last Goodbye I was bawling like a baby.  The Soldiers encompass a musical style that can only be described as Memphis.  It’ll take me right back every time.

I’ll be there again this weekend for my official goodbye.  It’s not that I won’t ever go back, I just know it won’t be for an amazingly long time.  I can already tell that this side of the country is my new home.  I know who I am and I get at least 6 months to figure out what I’m going to do with that.

Well, I’m here.

I’m going to be perpetually wet while I’m in Seattle. At least, that’s how it feels right now. The hills makes this an impossible bike city. I debate the walk scores I saw on Zillow too. The grade is so steep I’m literally leaning backwards to not fall. I will invest in some industrial galoshes. And drive if I want to wear heels. Sigh.

My first cafe is nice. It’s been so long since I’ve been near someone familiar I almost want to cry. Good thing I have a vacation to Memphis this weekend! I almost don’t miss the cats. Almost. Only because I can barely keep myself together. I feel drained and I can’t seem to find any balance.

The rain is letting up, time to get some food and toilet paper!

The Road

I feel like I wrote a book this morning. Then I went crazy around noon.

I’m vibrating with the energy of getting where I’m going. No rest for the weary as I trudge through northern CA. Stopped long enough to have a bite and miss the worst traffic near Redding.

Should hit Seattle by noon tomorrow at the latest. Time to bust out the 5 hour energy…


The breakfast sucks. The wifi is fine. The water pressure in the shower is divine!

I’m gonna get across at least 2 more states today.


I made it out of TX and then my back got a cramp. So I’m laid out on a bed at the Econolodge. About $48 for the night and not a bad setup. King bed, free wi-fi and a continental breakfast. Clean enough. Definitely cleaner than I am.

Time to sleep for exactly 8 hours!

When Asked Why

If you need a concise reason I chose Seattle…

“Another big reason I want to live in Seattle is that most of the people I’ve met there choose to be there.  That’s the polar opposite of where I’ve lived.  You only get to Memphis 2 ways – a girl or a job.  The rest of us were born there.”

Ice Lessons Learned

There’s a wintry mix predicted for the early AM. I got a good parking space parked on level ground so I ain’t movin’ the car.  As much as I’d like to be out tonight on my last Thursday in Memphis there’s just no competing with a parking spot I won’t get stuck in due to ice. It’s close enough to the front door I can even pack it up tomorrow afternoon without moving.

Yeah, I’m just hoping for a ride tonight and I’m not even hoping very hard. Being warm seems superior in general.