My job, starting Monday, is to go to yoga class every day Monday through Friday and be present in everything I do there. Continue reading Yoga!

My job, starting Monday, is to go to yoga class every day Monday through Friday and be present in everything I do there. Continue reading Yoga!
Dropping someone off at the airport is probably the best way to feel at home in a city. After a week of fun imported directly from Memphis, I’m on my own again. Except now it doesn’t feel as strange. I have claimed little parts of Seattle as my own and spending time with someone not living here accentuates the progress I’ve made. Granted some of the locals aren’t sold on my place in the city but fortunately most of them live north of me.
I took a side trip east this afternoon. A friend offered free laundry and I jumped at the chance. One month has passed and I’m still unemployed. My stress level is mounting and only yoga can save me now. Next week is all about finding a good spot to take class. I have a few options but there’s a 3 week Iyengar intensive on sale for only $99 – that seems too good to pass up. It’ll justify the bus pass I paid for too.
Last night, I was propositioned by a couple. It started with a blonde woman sporting bottomless cleavage sidling up to me at the bar. I’d seen her come in behind an aging frat boy in a backwards baseball cap. Her guy took up a post on the opposite end of the bar. Slurring from the start, she opens with a diatribe about how she is much smarter than she seems. I smile and nod. To further convince me, she describes specific aspects of her appearance and assumptions people make because of it. I listen with sincerity, knowing all too well the plight of being pretty with big breasts. Continue reading Three, Some…
I’m technically a smoker. However, I detest cigarettes. A few times a day I excuse myself, step outside and take a couple hits off my bat. Just one inhale, sometimes two out of a small pipe that resembles a cigarette. A wafting smell of something that’s not tobacco and I step back inside. Usually this is 25 feet away from an entrance or on mostly private property but sometimes I’m just walking down the street. No one notices or cares. Just another smoker on the street. When I pull out a blown glass pipe in the same situation, the entire tone changes. Stares, whispers, attention.
The paraphernalia carries a connotation – you know, the doing drugs kind. I transform from a smoker into a junkie. Okay, not quite as extreme as that but what if I change the venue to a public park? The movement for medical marijuana has foundations in children’s medicine while smoking pot next to a playground is illegal? Marijuana is supposed to be available to anyone 21+ and yet holistic medicinal applications are forgotten in the gleeful rush of recreational use.
I understand the desire to protect children from scenes of unfettered drug use and debauchery but that’s not the situation we’re talking about. The difference is in the user, not the substance. I choose to smoke because that’s what works for me. All I ask is the freedom to inhale with the same impunity as cigarette smokers. That’s what I already do with my stealth method. I’d rather be able to use a pipe because it’s easier on my throat. That shouldn’t be too much for the general public to swallow.
I’m on my way to store the car. It’s been a month and having a car is already more of a pain than not. I actually turned down a job in Fremont because of the commute.
I’ve stopped by the Streamline to mark the occasion. I was able to do a 2 point parallel park on a Queen Anne downhill slope in order to snag a parking spot right next to the door. No one saw it, but I know it’s there.
I am a great driver. I could never stand putt-putt though.
Dynamics of living in a bubble.
Strong trends toward the bottom edge –
that’s where everything settles.
It takes work to reach extremes.
Sometimes you have be at the edge
just to grasp hold of something.
The curve of the globe ensures
different perspectives. Good thing,
it’s not a contest.
Duality is a false construct.
Seeking a sense of unity,
the idea of oneness .
Can’t quite wrap comprehension
all the way around.
A bracelet that never closes.
Each side an extreme,
bunched up against something
we can’t even conceive.
I honor those that keep reaching.
Philosophers making way
for scientists to build Foundations.
Collaborative internet efforts
Piecing together a Ghost
In a Machine
That can win trivial pursuits.
You must unfold the circle
to understand the line.
Is Oprah hurting for money? I just saw a commercial of just her saying the word bread repeatedly?
Note to self: invest in bread stocks.
Last Saturday, our eyes met across the bar exchanging furtive glances over our respective pints. He was too shy to approach me until the stranger sitting between us literally made him swap seats. Boy-next-door cute, I assumed he wouldn’t even pass the chit-chat test. To my surprise, a genuine kindness shone through the dive bar malaise surrounding me. We nervously exchanged digits and made plans for Thursday. That was more than 3 days away. He might actually be interested in me. Continue reading A Proper Date
My anxiety has manifested into cardboard boxes. I must have 4 dozen or more in here. Probably more. I broke down all the small boxes and put them in the big boxes. Now the big boxes are so heavy I have trouble picking them up. Continue reading Boxed In