My friend’s nine-year old pestered his sister while play fighting the other day. Continue reading Hardly.

My friend’s nine-year old pestered his sister while play fighting the other day. Continue reading Hardly.
I find Ballard crowded and young. It’s like wandering the halls of an 80’s high school but with less discipline. The only thing preventing more debauchery is the relaxed fit pants every guy in a hat is wearing. Continue reading The Sunset Tavern
It’s not the same. Not at all. There’s a kitchen and there’s a couch but nothing else is even similar. The speakeasy-style setup hearkens back to a world where The Man cares what those kids are up to. Shotguns are good protection in almost any context, especially tower defense. Sandwiched amid dive bars underneath the I-5 overpass, I can’t think of a more appropriate reincarnation of the Black Lodge I once loved. The stage we all wanted in that little house exists in punk rock glory on Eastlake Ave. Continue reading Black Lodge Revisited
My hair is defaulting to a vertical state. I’m not complaining. There was a time when walking around with my hair sticking up would cause waves of shame and humiliation. My detachment to my hair is so complete I’m caught off-guard when someone takes notice. “I like your hair.” Momentary confusion. “Oh yeah, thanks,” and I touch my hair to remember what it looks like that day. Continue reading Tacky
I can’t find my copy of Light on the Yoga Sutras. Of all the books I’ve written notes in, this is possibly the most irreplaceable.
This is very distressing so if you see this book with my handwriting in it, contact me immediately.
On a related note. If anyone wants to get me a late Easter present I have my eye on this copy of the Sutras.
I adjust my hips on the 2-person vinyl bench seat. The driver’s profile sways as the bus trundles down the south end of I-5. Another 17 minutes until home. The setting sun paints the horizon with pinks and oranges, catching the contour of every wisp of cloud in the sky. The white ice caps of the mountains stand out like neon punctuation as telephone poles measure out the frames of my existence. I understand why people rubberneck a car accident. It’s probably the most interesting thing they’ll see that week.
The bus is nearly empty after rush hour traffic. The trip south is short one unless you are trying to get past downtown. Then it feels like forever. Stopping and starting at all the familiar stops. Bar. Lobby. Noodle shop. Starbucks. Bar. ATM. Cafe. Smoke shop. Noodle shop. Bar. I wonder how some places continue to exist. I don’t see people enter or exit. The doors could be painted on brick walls for all I can tell. I wonder if I’ll ever get off the bus and find out for myself. Even the thought smacks of effort. Continue reading Nothing Better
In Memphis, local metal and punk bands are booked hand-in-hand. It’s the only way the scene can survive down there. The amalgamation of all loud music into the same niche exposed me to more metal than I’d choose and the raw energy is enthralling. I feel like showmanship counts more than usual when metalheads take the stage. The music demands a presence that other genres don’t have, except maybe pop stars. In Seattle, local bands have room to breathe into their genre of choice and full-on scenes of people to perform for. I’m not convinced this freedom makes for better music. Continue reading Metal Show
I’ve had a daily obligation to yoga for about 7 days now. From 2pm until 7pm I am in yoga class. Only about an hour of that is actually doing yoga. The rest is getting myself clean, dressed and transported to the studio in time for the 4:30 class and then there’s another hour on the bus after class to get back downtown. It’s a big daily time commitment for a hobby. Something only the privileged can really manage easily. So ironically, if I had a job by now, I’d never be able to enjoy this yoga intensive. That’s my silver lining to unemployment. Continue reading Wearing Down