Repost Continue reading Playlist for WEVL’s Through The Cracks, Saturday 8/6/2016
Category Archives: Quick Thoughts

I’ve settled into a weekly routine and it feels great. It seems I’ll have just enough time in my real life to keep working on my passion while working a different job for a living. After extensive struggle, I’ve finally risen to the same creative level as Memphis artists! Accomplishing this in downtown Seattle is a coup for me no matter what the haters say. I essentially abandoned the lap of luxury to chase this half-cocked dream across the country. It’s excellent to be stable again for the first time in years. Continue reading Monotomoney

Menage Blah
Some would think the threesome I had this weekend is worth posting about. In some ways it is. Just not the sexy ways. I’m still a bit shaken by the whole experience because it happened with no discussion first. Continue reading Menage Blah

My Daily Practice
The regularity of a job has been the greatest gift to my sanity recently. The stress I’m managing due to the job itself is minimal compared to the heavy existential angst I put myself through to get here. And what’s better, the job offers 4 sessions of free counseling through a 3rd party. I got stressed out and started crying in front of my boss. Fortunately, I anticipated it and asked to talk in private. I am excited about Labor Day weekend and I am irrationally worried about having the energy to be happy that weekend. Continue reading My Daily Practice

I’ve been able to feel my wings since I was 18. That’s when I took yoga and started feeling my body for the first time. When it came time to open the back of my chest I discovered invisible appendages. There are symmetrical spots on my back where I can sense my aura extending beyond my physical body. What could it be, if not wings? At first I could just stretch them. Like a chick fresh from the egg, I simply tensed my muscles for the sensation of knowing they are there. After a while, I developed more dexterity. Nowadays, I can take flight if the circumstances are right. Continue reading Wings

Good Books
There’s a hot bartender that I would never have the nerve to talk to. She holds up a Murakami book and I lose all pretense. Norwegian Wood was a beautiful way to discover someone else’s pain. After that, I know my pain is real and I’m not the only person that feels it. One of my first baby steps toward seeing the unity within us. Or something. Continue reading Good Books

Practice Makes Progress
I can now sing almost all of the Silent All These Years melody to myself whenever I want to. That doesn’t mean it sounds good. However, I can keep the same-ish key the whole time and not lose track of where I am. That’s definite progress. It’s the funniest thing. For the longest time I couldn’t carry a note with or without music playing. My karaoke performance is on par with Elaine’s dancing. I can’t seem to hear and sing at the same time. Until now. There is one song I can sing in the shower and have since the movie came out – Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid. Formative on so many levels. Continue reading Practice Makes Progress

Smokey Smoke
I went to my first legal pot shop. The one I sort of visited last month was a trial run. Ironically enough, they all do business in cash only. Made it hard to buy anything without an income, back in May. This time I went somewhere with a selection I recognized and cash to spend on it. I stuck with a neighborhood I vibe with. It’s a little upscale for my needs but I don’t consider success a detriment.
Continue reading Smokey Smoke

Big Lights, Large City
I’ve gone to large concerts before. Most of them were to see something I had conjured in my mind while listening to music with my eyes closed. The actual experience was often a disappointment. It took me a long time to learn the difference between loud and good. And of course, this was all before I discovered dancing like no one is watching. The show last night was so good it might nab a place on my top 5 list. I’m certainly more than willing to do it again and that’s more than I can say for most things south of downtown. Continue reading Big Lights, Large City