I can hear people having sex. I’m at a party where the idea is to be loose. I can’t be loose. I don’t feel comfortable being myself around a group of people without backup. I know people here but I’m missing a partner in crime. The ability to be completely open only happen with trust. I have learned to trust my gut and follow what feels right. Seemingly nonsensical to an observer, I always act with purpose. I like my intelligence and ability to empathize, despite how sharp it makes me. When feeling insecure I use yoga and music is the perfect stress-reliever. Overall, I’m fairly put together. Why can’t I loosen up my emotions? Continue reading Garden Party
Category Archives: Daily Life

I, You, Demand
I don’t have time to write down the things I want to say but one thing is certain, breaking my heart open has yielded a pinata’s worth of emotions. Echoing the rejection I faced for years in my hometown, the person-I-could-have-been in Seattle summarily rejected me this week. Neither path approves of my life choices. Can’t say I blame them. I’m not a model of responsibility and I don’t live for the objects around me. I gave up security in order to carve a chunk out of this world before I go. In the end all we have is the people who love us. I plan to maximize that number in the time I have left. Continue reading I, You, Demand

Trivia Night
Someone on this bus smells like feet. I hope it’s not me. Continue reading Trivia Night

Quintron and Miss Pussycat
Completely worth $12. Not sure I like the advertising policy of The Stranger. $10 online, $12 in person. Justified by the service charge that makes the online ticket $14.75 after the fact. What about cash covers that go to the talent? It’s a terrible standard to expect your local talent to perform for free. A psychedelic punk rock puppet show combined with appropriately catchy dance music. I met two hard-core fans before the show and their enthusiasm embodied an entire crowd of fans. The crowd itself was substantial as well. Continue reading Quintron and Miss Pussycat

Breaking Backs
I see them so plainly now, each crack in the sidewalk that tripped me up last year. Walking down the hill, my feet know where to go without thinking anymore. My knees are remarkably healthy at this point. I do have a huge burn on my side, coinciding with emotional pain like a metaphor. One moment of absent-mindedness taking weeks to heal. I can still see the thin line of 2nd degree in the middle. A crusty coin slot big enough for a quarter. Forcing a smile through the pain and doing yoga daily, I have a chance to gain productivity in the face of outright depression. Continue reading Breaking Backs

Hit Me With Your Best Shot
He doesn’t even like dogs. How could I fall this hard for someone that doesn’t like dogs? Who the hell am I? Continue reading Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Writer’s Bloc
I have reached a point where writer and artist are the same thing the way satellites are the same as moons.
Distraught, I speak in drunk terseness,.
Movement of my reality, Can’t glom onto hetero-normative ideals for the sake of romanticism. Proof-positive, no one I know lives like this. I MUST be wrong,
Scott Free
Not only did he cancel our date tonight, he said there’s no point in ever seeing me again. Yeah, it hurts quite a bit. I’d already figured out the not wanting to date part. I’m used to that. But to not want any contact at all? It feels extreme and unexpected. I suppose this is better than ghosting, no matter how terse the rejection. I asked for a reprieve or, at least, an explanation and got nothing. I’m convinced he’s making a mistake and that’s natural for my side of this. I hope he at least has a good reason, not just fear of the unknown. The hope that’s he’ll change his mind is festering inside of me right at this moment. I’m attempting to kill it with whiskey. Continue reading Scott Free

Slammin’ the D
I’m a naturally nocturnal creature. In the South, avoiding the sun is an understandable trait. In Seattle, it’s not even a challenge. I can go weeks without seeing direct sunlight if I want. Naturally, this led to a clinical deficiency of Vitamin D after my first winter. Every day felt like running through water and I lost the ability to do more than sleep during my time off. Fighting depression is hard enough without the added struggle to sit upright. In my defense, I took supplements for months to no effect. January, I gained a key piece to the puzzle. Vitamin D is only absorbed when taken with a meal. The opposite of what I do when taking pills in the morning. Oops. Continue reading Slammin’ the D