Lennon said, “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.” Yoga teaches us to live in the present. So I stopped making plans. My stress level went down and I stopped flaking on plans. There are demons inside of me actively trying to disrupt my life. The mere act of considering doing something wakes them up and their goal is to sap my energy. From doing yoga to making a date, any hint of motivation draws them out. They manifest as a small voice whispering in the back of my head. “You shouldn’t bother. It won’t work out anyway. You aren’t good enough to succeed.” Continue reading Demons
Category Archives: Daily Life
Nice Shoes, Wanna Start Some Drama?
Television has us believe finding a mate is the primary goal in any person’s life. Every main character isĀ plagued by the burning desire to find a soul mate, no matter how well-balanced or successful they seem. Emotional security doesn’t exist in scripts until the requisite mate is found and procreation is initiated. Implications of happily ever after are casually tossed at the audience as two lovers fade into eternity. Despite painting a picture of fulfilling partnerships there’s a sinister reason media focuses so much on relationships – they want you to crave your own drama. It’s the driving force behind consumerism, among other things. Continue reading Nice Shoes, Wanna Start Some Drama?
Poor Me
I’d give up every potential love in my life just to have my dogs again. It’s not fair to experience the death of my children before my parents. All the associations I have with love come in 3 or 4-legged forms. Losing my first dog happened 2 weeks after my best friend killed himself. It might be projection but I’m pretty sure the dog’s death was harder to handle. He was younger and less in control of his fate. Wade chose to leave this plane of existence by his own hand. I don’t blame him, I also don’t have to like it. Continue reading Poor Me
Musings 2.7
I love the fact that every person disregarding me today will regret it tomorrow. I make love to that fact every goddamn night. It’s not bitterness or sorrow, just acknowledgement of the waste. Resources better used toward getting laid is funneled into drunken, post-midnight angst. People in-between great love affairs want to believe their drama is interesting. Truth is, that territory belongs squarely to the itinerant loners. Those of us dealing with perpetual rejection and apathy. We only know the love of cold, distant mothers. Continue reading Musings 2.7
Performance Art
Last December I taught 5 volunteers how to do about a dozen yoga poses in around 45 minutes. Tonight I taught about about a dozen unwilling people 2 yoga poses in around 5 minutes. It was a personal challenge to myself. Not endorsed and certainly not approved by management, I went old school Magic Hat and used my 5 minutes to do whatever the hell I want. I used a unique approach to defeat stage fright in 2014. I found places to be on stage with minimal expectation. At Spillit, the only thing I had to do was try. It started my entire theory – being on stage isn’t hard, caring what the audience thinks is. Continue reading Performance Art
January 2017
The days of trusting my gut are only beginning and no one can make me second guess those decisions anymore. Having a good time doesn’t happen in just one place. This artificial time delineation is the easiest to wrap my tiny human brain around. New Year’s Day feels fresher after all the parties instead of hungover, like the day after Halloween. For the next month I’ll do at least two things every day. Yoga and writing. Forcing my thoughts out into the open is the only way to flush out good ideas. The yoga is for my sanity. Continue reading January 2017
Year End
I’m at the end of 2016 comfortably sitting in Seattle with opportunity ahead of me. Not as much as I started the year with but I’m thrilled to still be kicking around a chance to do well here. Surrounded mostly by friends I only know a little bit about but not enough to call anyone family. I woke up today with a plan to party accompanied by a trustworthy human. Miscommunication that it was, I am apparently not granted a plus one. Instinctively, that minuses me from the party also. Not only is it far enough away I can’t get there without a ride, I don’t like the idea of attending something so exclusive all by myself. Continue reading Year End
I’m not trained for trauma. My first reaction is sadness, quickly followed by utter despair. The essence of grief is being swallowed whole. The world falls away and one throbbing pain fills all of reality. I feel other people’s grief acutely. It reaches out like a feather bed that wants to suffocate me. Tender hands choking off any cheer, a gentle reminder that death will always be there. Sometimes I think the entire human condition is a struggle to understand pieces we lose along the way. A full understanding of loss is rarely achieved willingly.
The worst traumas are what we don’t see coming. A chance to prepare for the end of something affords minimal comfort in an impossible situation. If nothing else, impending doom forces you to care a lot less about what other people think. A blessing in any form. Happiness involves living at full volume unapologetically. Figuring out how to do it without burning out is the real challenge. Anyone can live loudly once a year or so. Most call it their birthday. It’s a much steeper challenge when you are true to yourself every day. Exhaustion alone takes down most idealists.
I haven’t learned to do anything better than anyone else but I’m pretty good at living. Assured of my own existence I’ve moved on to finding other real people in my vicinity. It’s slow going in a city where I started out alone. Many times I’ve questioned my standards and whether quality is even worth waiting for. So many people are willing to fake friendships after they find out what you have to offer them. My approach is to be patient, wait for true friends to reveal themselves. There are other good people out there, they just might not be ready to make friends yet. I wasn’t for a very long time.
Real-Time Draft
I am not always the hero in my story. That’s why I’m a writer. Wearing cliches as if the world’s a masquerade, I hide in plain sight most places I go. When ever in doubt, I carry a camera. The opening lines to everyone’s story start the same. I was a person in a place at a certain time. The more interesting you try to make it the less flexibility you have with details. Stick to the truth and there’s an endless supply of embellishments. Honesty means you have to tell the bad parts with the good. And believe me, the stories you don’t want to be honest about are the best ones to tell. Continue reading Real-Time Draft