Category Archives: Daily Life

Everything from impromptu thoughts to well-constructed observations.


I’ve never been fond of umbrellas. Navigating rain in Memphis meant getting to and from a car at varying distances from buildings. Almost none of the places I frequent require anything but a hop, skip or jump from my car door. Opening and closing an umbrella was more annoying than useful. Out here in Seattle, I often see value in a miniature shelter. When you’re waiting at the same uncovered bus stop every morning, or walking a mile to reach said bus stop, there’s great reason to having an umbrella on hand. Just like driving your own car is more convenient. However, there’s a point where you need to park the umbrella and commute like the rest of us. Continue reading Umbrellas

Ready for Action

I have a Southern Lady inside of me. She’s a contrarian. That’s like being a white witch of sorts. Not in the Narnia sense so much as as the tribal medicine woman way. Urban white Memphians understand tribal culture more than most. It’s similar to what feeling like a minority is. Looking for a place to belong when we can’t get comfortable. Skin color is the only difference when you grow up in North Memphis. While the rest of the world tells you it isn’t. Continue reading Ready for Action

Street Cred

I work at a place called Raygun Lounge. It’s a long-standing shop on the side of Capitol Hill known for loving games and geek culture. I was essentially hired on a referral and it doesn’t seem I’ll disappoint. The owner wants to incorporate a more “diverse” workforce. Essentially I got the job because my nerd interests are queer and, well, boobs. I hope to see more girls working with me in the future but to be honest, I’m not a typical set of boobs. I also happen to know the finer points of working a small espresso operation and have oodles of things to offer in experience alone. Continue reading Street Cred

My Situation

I moved rashly.
Minimalist planning,
One foot in front of the other
Baby Steps.
Choose a place, get there, survive.
One, two, three.
Every day I’m striving.
Turning to my gut
Finding strength as I make it.
Making ends meet
Meeting new friends
Determined to do it
Or die trying. Continue reading My Situation


It seems everyone wants to complain just as loudly when their time comes. Maybe even louder depending on how many of their principles are violated by the affront. I derive most of my optimism from ignorance, figuring the best way to avoid strife is to, well, avoid it. Don’t seek out drama in your free time. Plenty will find you on its own. The  standard format of today’s media is to target the populace with whatever fears you’ll most likely react to. Even actively avoiding current events on the world stage only delays the inevitable. Which is better, watching a tragedy approach or getting blind-sided? Continue reading Moderation


I have it written all over my face. I used to be pretty like a Disney princess. Big brown eyes, ample bosom and porcelain clear skin. I put a lot of stock in my appearance, more from people’s consistent reaction than any personal value. Being traditionally pretty has its advantages no matter what your actual flaws are. Pretty people are allowed more chances, shown more forgiveness and generally treated better by professional society. That’s why I like desperate people. They don’t give a damn what you look like.
Continue reading Nostalgia


During X-ray school I was assigned to The Med for my first clinical rotation. As the closest level one trauma center for most of the mid-South, The Med’s x-ray department is notorious for its fast pace and extensive workload. Techs trained there are among the best in the city. I spent the entire first day practically shaking with anxiety. One of the techs took me under her wing to help assuage the intimidation factor. She introduced herself as Tanya but I soon learned her actual name is LaTanya. Posing the obvious question she replies, “Most people just hear the Tanya so I don’t bother with my whole name anymore.” Continue reading LaTanya

Last Night sans WiFi

Doing things without the internet feels like a punishment but then it passes through me and I get over it because I know I’m not being watched at this point.  Continue reading Last Night sans WiFi

Puppy Fever

My concerted effort to stay single in 2016 was wildly successful. So successful in fact it looks like I’ll stay single for the rest of my life. I’ve forgotten what it feels like be casually affectionate. Can’t even seem to pet my cat right these days. I had a dream last night in a strange house where I neither lived or belonged. While visiting I found a little white puppy, 6-8 weeks old, a white color similar to false teeth and very happy to know me in particular. I asked if I could take the pup home and they said yes. I went down to my car to make sure I could get there with my new companion. Continue reading Puppy Fever