Category Archives: Future Plans

My inspirations, missions, goals and future plans.

Ellipses Menses

It’s been a stressful month. Some of the stress is fantastically good but that doesn’t make me less tense. My period started early and has lingered too long. I haven’t done enough yoga to compensate and the result is a menstrual ellipsis instead of just my period. Mother nature likes to remind me of my limits when I fly this close to the sun.  Continue reading Ellipses Menses


I haven’t see the worst people can lobby against an organization like the CSPC.  Not specifically.  I haven’t encountered any real complaints about the concept beyond the all-too-common inability of people to accept what they don’t understand.  Then again, sex positivity is just now permeating deeper reaches of middle America.  My personal experience is tinged with the havoc sex-negative people wreak on society. Gratefully, the Seattle community will continue to provide a strong sex-positive example for many years to come.  Continue reading Uptight

In Her Piece

Visiting the CSPC yesterday, I felt introspective. The exhilaration of last week comes with inevitable wear and tear. Fortunately, this isn’t my first rodeo and I listen to the warnings my body gives me. Skipping the party Saturday and giving an erotic massage Sunday helped me recharge slightly. The satisfaction of making someone feel pleasure, especially when they are new to the sensation, is something I enjoy when feeling drained. Not all gratification is related to orgasms.  Continue reading In Her Piece

Welcome To PAX!

This new video series actually deters me from trying out cosplay at PAX.  I’m starkly off-center from the average con-goer and old fears emerge when I’m among them.  Greatly enjoying all my new-thing trying, I still don’t excel in a large group.  No reason to call any attention to myself.  I tend to get bullied by Gamers.  Just as a 4-year old is excluded from the 10-year old’s party games, it’s a circumstance that simply exists no matter how much she wants to change it.  That’s how I feel, showing up late to the gunfight with my knife.

Simulated Reality

At Disneyworld in the 90s there was a state-of-the-art ride that offered a multi-sensory experience inside an alien spaceship.  An arena of futuristic chairs encircled a holographic tour guide in the center.  Our seats were armed with as many doo-dads as a Dr. Seuss invention and the basis of the experience hinged on reduced visibility.  Clever lighting and timed release of things like mist or hot air accompanied the narrative and in-seat surround sound gave the impression of things happening all around the cabin.  At one point I even felt an alien brush against me.  My 12-year old disbelief was suspended almost the entire time.  Continue reading Simulated Reality

Around here, I’m different just like everyone else.  It’s a cashmere sweater in July – comfortable but not what I need.  Everyone’s pretty much the same no matter where you go.  The big question is what I’m doing.  Productivity measured in time or money doesn’t make any sense.  The amount of words is a gauge for how much time I’ve put in but it doesn’t reflect any kind of worth.  The only thing I have to go on is my gut.  That’s what got me into this mess.  Continue reading

Wearing Down

I’ve had a daily obligation to yoga for about 7 days now. From 2pm until 7pm I am in yoga class. Only about an hour of that is actually doing yoga. The rest is getting myself clean, dressed and transported to the studio in time for the 4:30 class and then there’s another hour on the bus after class to get back downtown. It’s a big daily time commitment for a hobby.  Something only the privileged can really manage easily.  So ironically, if I had a job by now, I’d never be able to enjoy this yoga intensive.  That’s my silver lining to unemployment.  Continue reading Wearing Down

The Dark Side

Dick pics.  I told a story about dick pics.  It wasn’t the worst story I’ve ever told.  Might even be the best.  The stage at St. Mark’s has a spotlight just bright enough to blind me.  I did my best to emote, but ultimately it was a game of timing.  The adrenaline of being on a stage didn’t overwhelm me this time.  The fear is still there but my desire to tell the story wins out.  My delivery still needs help but as a good friend once said, I get the point across.

Continue reading The Dark Side


My job, starting Monday, is to go to yoga class every day Monday through Friday and be present in everything I do there.  Continue reading Yoga!