Category Archives: Future Plans

My inspirations, missions, goals and future plans.


with thin walls
Flowing together
into Mountains.
Safety in the hills.

of cardboard.
Keeping together
a body of work
Resting fetus-like
Waiting for enough

in a row of homes.
More used the better
because I can’t
have nice things.
Durability makes

in a maze
with no cheese.
Footsore and weary
Limbs aching
Strained. FullRelaxation

Full Moonish

There were complaints about the way I’m doing things.
I silenced them.
The choices made are less permanent if you don’t worry about it.
Loyalty is only useful in small gatherings.
I guess I shouldn’t worry about it.
Plenty to go around at family meal time.
No swimming in the genetic pool for me.
No matter how much it matters to me.

Stung by a wasp.
Emotionally punched in the face.
The silence is a refuge
A place where I can’t abuse
even my self.

How dare you
Tell me what.
I do remember.
Paying attention this whole time.
Should I win an Oscar?
Or just
Suspended disbelief.

I know what I want.
Done apologizing.
Because eventually
it WILL kill me
to do it.

Truth Is

Smoking isn’t that big of a deal.

I often sit in an empty bar and wonder how much fuss I’d cause taking a puff off my one-hitter. Chances are the staff smokes too. No one else would know. The smell doesn’t stick. It even leaves a pleasant lingering hint that something calming happened here. Like your grandparents house.  Continue reading Truth Is

Dead Inside

These squinty eyes of mine. They may look glassy.  My expression one of cow-brained ignorance.

That’s just what I look like when I can’t hear.

Sometimes the chaos around me is so loud I can’t take it anymore. I just let all noise wash over me and fight my urge to fly.
I want to be there. I want to engage. At some point
the centre cannot hold.

Read the book An Unquiet Mind. There are revelations there.

I’m going back in.  See ya on the flip side.

June 30

There was chain lightning in the sky tonight. I caught a few decent glimpses on Instagram but then hurried home to get some work done. Energy work. The sky is literally crackling with magic.

I’ve discovered more of my shadow and it took me a moment to adjust.  I am used to hiding in plain sight.  Invisible in obviousness.  Nowadays I feel visible.  I feel like someone.  I like who I am enough to defend myself.

I am aware my shape is pleasing.   Maybe it’s DNA?  Maybe good habits?  I do know my body gets more pleasing the more I value myself as a person.  Boundaries and standards and all those other important things.

The glory of mother nature.  Behold.


June 29

I woke up this morning.

After drifting away
The fog has dissipated
Snapped to attention
Seeing clearly and it’s
first time this summer.

The sun illuminates
And the moon glows
Neither see too
Well themselves.

Driving west
Freedom’s best
When you know what you want.

Vibrant feelings
Wash over me
Rainbow sunshine
Don’t mind the glare.

Always, One Thing
I staunchly support
Is Equality
Whether or not
It applies to me.

Other marriages
Plans don’t changeOther divorces
Human nature
Like you do.

The cats are clean
The room is swept.
Two more movesand many miles
Before I sleep.

June 27

I missed a day. Fortunately, I think the interference has cleared and I made it up yesterday. I’m exhausted to my core. I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut repeatedly and my left arm is Rasputin.

I’ve taken stock of my resources and I’m pretty sure I’ll make it. I have patience on my side.

It’s a beautiful summer. I think I’ll play some video games.

June 25

I did many things today.

Continue reading June 25

June 24

Watching Seinfeld. Pretty much for the first time. I know I was tuned in to the program during a formative part of my youth.  That was at least 3 lifetimes ago though.  Continue reading June 24