The PAX Indie Megabooth is like a block party in a hallway. Bodies flowing through arteries made of thin orange tape. Deposits of smartphone users and looky-loos congesting the aisles. So. Many. Booths. In that environment I discovered myself as a gamer.
Continue reading Infinifactory
Category Archives: Future Plans
I’ve decided to start using Twitter. I’ve been on it for a second before and connected it to the blog this summer but my functional knowledge is still infantile. Continue reading Twitter
Flew out of Seattle at 22:30 yesterday while fighting mild discomfort and chronic irritation the entire way. After a 4-day rager at PAX Prime 2015, I’m suffering from fatigue for at least 2 rounds. I have a pretty high constitution but suffered a critical hit from some bad squid on Sunday night. It’s a shame, I enjoyed the ambiance there. Continue reading PAXiphany!
Gathering Magic
Having visions.
It’s my job, as the artist,
To give life
Make seen what only I can see
I understand these duties.
Willingly accept.
A soldier in the war
against mediocrity.
Shine on
Crazy Lucy
Wither diamonds.
Still unsatisfied
Goals are so few.
My pace is slacking
Momentum lost
Never forget
Untap, Upkeep, Draw.
Perfect defense
Only gets you one point.
The only point of life
that matters
is the last one.
Tonight felt like coming home. After leaving for so long it’s strange to feel back. Like the first summer after college. Forgotten among misfits, all of us toys.
I built a bed today. My first bed in many ways. It feels better not being on the floor. I feel like a cat in a tree. Enjoying the view. Not thinking about the climb down. Inevitable.
I love my little life. Low maintenance integrity, always smiling. What’s not to love? Starting over is not bad. Parts of it doesn’t feel good. That’s why some people peel their vegetables. I like to eat the skin, that’s where the history is.
Time to invest in trampolines.
Be Nice or Leave!
The party is brewing. The music is scheduled. Haven’t finalized everything however…
My birthday party is happening!
@ the P&H
Sunday Sunday Sunday
September 6th starting at 7pm
That’s the Sunday before Labor Day. That means you can be there unless you really can’t. All you folks who have family plans and fancy vacations can still donate 5$ if you want to!
Dancing = Yoga
I want to dance with somebody
I want to feel the heat with somebody
I want to dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me.
Continue reading Dancing = Yoga
Church of Dave?
Puh Arty
I’m throwing my own birthday party this year. Sunday September 6 @ the P&H. Come celebrate the impending end of Summer by rocking your face off with great local music. 5$ cover – Be Nice Or Leave. Continue reading Puh Arty