A few small bitters in my tea but overall it’s a sweet brew. That’s all I can say about my time working on Capitol Hill. Continue reading BrolaB

A few small bitters in my tea but overall it’s a sweet brew. That’s all I can say about my time working on Capitol Hill. Continue reading BrolaB
“There are only about 1,000 people in the world and 200 of them live in Seattle,” an aspiring writer says, sitting with arms crossed quite proud of his clever theory. “Yaaas!” I blurt, lighting up with joy. “I call it that Memphis thing! Y’know, the biggest small town syndrome,” I squeak with excitement.
My ebullience catches him off guard, “No!” Spitting the word at me, all elation lost on him. “I hate that place,” he growls petulantly. Continue reading It’s A Memphis Thang
Non-monogamy is a way of life for some people. I’m still feeling it out, skeptical at the very least. Continue reading Who’s Polly?
$260 in tips on $800 in sales.
Seeing what I could be, I’m happy for the chance to die. Parting the veil makes it easy to resist the laze of wealth. Languishing in the adventure of whatever level of ass-kissing your money can buy. I’ve been there, more efficiently. Not to discount the classical discovery of an adult scampering across the ocean in search of meaning but it doesn’t take that much to see where effort is needed. Continuing to ignore universe in favor of your own ego? I’m just not that blind. Continue reading Scott Rosen, Pt. 2
They are here to break in Docs, what else do I have them for? A drawer full of things that I don’t need. Until I do. Forever saving for the chance that something considered waste will someday be gold. It seems to happen all the time. And then make another fortune making fun of it. And then use those fortunes to gain proprietary interest in one of the three major networks controlling how America thinks and make sure IT is the only thing anyone can ever talk about. That’s the dream, right? Continue reading Bandaids
Firmly establishing what my identity isn’t linked to, I’m faced with the bigger question of what is? An advantage to peeling away these layers of repression is high contrast. Each raw, painful memory stripped and exposed leaves a virtual road map to the sources of my insecurity. I only lament not getting more tattoos. Continue reading Not My Hair
North Mississippi All Stars is playing the Croc tomorrow night and I feel conflicted. A group that literally played events for my high school peers while I actively avoided them but I still kinda want to go. Much like the rest of Southern music in the 90s, it wasn’t the quality of artist but their fans that detracted from my experience. If I go see a show in Seattle in 2017 what sort of peers will I have? There’s so much good music I left behind in Memphis. I’m haunted with a need for soul that might make me pay $20 for nostalgia purposes alone. Perfect time to be Memphis as Fuck. Continue reading Southern Music
The most recent Simpsons episode is pretty great. I could really feel the Fuck You’s in the writing. Clearly still written by men, there’s a short speech about a girl becoming a woman who wants to be a mother and I totally understand the contextual nature of the situation but a run-on sentence is the only way to express my dissatisfaction at the misplaced sentiment. Life is about change and not everything is for everyone. I don’t expect to be right about everything yet I’m completely sure of myself. The past few years were about learning to fall gracefully. Getting back up? That happens at your own pace. Continue reading The Serfsons