I think I’m a groupie. I went to see Marcella Simien perform three times in a row and I was fully entertained the entire time. Generally, my attention span for any type of show is limited to once a week at best. Rarely do I want to follow any particular group or artist from one venue to another, let alone record the experience each time. The last time I did that was the Yojimbo double feature earlier this summer. That pair of shows was entertaining not only because Yojimbo has amazing stage presence, but also because of the contrast in the venues. From a Midtown Memphis pirate bar to a Tupelo highway honky-tonk shack. Yojimbo performed with gusto each time and it’s encouraging to see people from all walks of life enjoy the same music, even if they don’t all do it in the same place. The places where Marcella performs aren’t quite so disparate, but it wouldn’t matter because her stage presence could make a TJ Mulligan’s swanky. Continue reading Best 3-way Ever.