I did many things today.

I did many things today.
Watching Seinfeld. Pretty much for the first time. I know I was tuned in to the program during a formative part of my youth. That was at least 3 lifetimes ago though. Continue reading June 24
I know what I want. Doesn’t mean I get it. They said Knowing is Half the Battle or I’m making that up. Sharing is caring? There is some static in my reception as you can see from the picture.
Best to conserve battery power.
Orange Is the New Black is a comedy, right? Well, Season 3 is hilarious… if you can handle a little darkness. The writers are getting real about some things while keeping other aspects completely hyperbolic. 3 episodes in, I’m sold.
The tone is best expressed by Big Boo [to Pennsatucky]: Being too militant about anything, never ends well. #moderationiskey #orangeisthenewblack #Boowouldbeintome
I got distracted and didn’t post yesterday. So as a special treat…
Blue eyes capture me
Clearly wanting what I have
I will give it up
And then move on.
One Two Three
Bowling into memory
Not there
Don’t remember
Painted whore
Valued as nothing
Given everything
Too common
To Rebel
Too sharp
To Educate
Too female
To consider an equal.
Nesting as the egg
Flying as the chicken.
Do women wear less and less clothing as every festival winds down or is it just a punk thing? Clothing should never be a reason to stay home.
I want The Gloryholes to play my birthday. You think I’m kidding but I’m not. I won’t rule anything out until I actually hear the word NO.
Any party at the P&H on Sunday is worth the cover. Even if you are here alone, this is a magical place and should be respected. Or maybe I have a crush on the owner. Who cares? The weekend of punk in Memphis is spectacular and as one of the geriatric punks, Sunday fits the format.
High energy, practiced, fun shows from performers that have fun even when there’s no audience. It helps that I have date rape fantasies about the band members. I also love a good show.
Cover music is always fun. It’s better than karaoke and people are less afraid to dance to songs from their youth.
It’s hot in here. Fo sho.
I am the sun and the moon
I have not begun to shine
because the world is not ready for me
The pretention
The pride
I am trained to do the things you taught me
and I am BORED.
My anger swells and I need a place for therapy.
Look at me. I’m art. I’m pretty. I’m the thing you want. Media loves me. I’m great with the tweens.
I know what I am.
So why am I still sad?
Why am I alone and afraid and looking for a reason to keep going?
I am the abyss. Look into me.
On second thought, Take a picture, it’ll last longer.
I’m tired of apologizing. I’m tired of being afraid.
I work hard and I’m ready to be here.
Do your worst. I’m not backing down.