Part three of my amazing holiday weekend involved a show at the Hi-Tone on Sunday. This event was held in the small room behind the lounge, so it felt like I was part of a secret club when I paid my cover. Memphis Punk Promotions put together a trio of incredible music ranging from here to Portland, OR. The party was thrown to celebrate the birthday of an upright Memphis citizen. And celebrate we did.
I love the way summer heat and handheld explosives eke out the wild side of most Amuricans in the beginning of July. I think it’s an innate response to all the social repression and politeness that has engulfed civilization. Granted, the thrill of fireworks has been watered down a bit since I was a kid but there’s still something to be said for simply enjoying explosions. I think most people my age can fondly recall the year someone’s dad set fire to the yard while under the influence of child-like enthusiasm and beer.
This year, I spent most of the Fourth hanging out at home. My events calendar convinced me that the real action was on Saturday this year. I was invited to see a large group of upstanding citizens shake their groove thangs during the Big Bad Mamajamma No Excuses Dance Party over in Crosstown. I’m not much of a dancer but there is one specific genre of music I find irresistible – 90s disco. So pretty much from the moment I walked in, I was infected with the beats. Continue reading Cinco de Julio→
I went out last night with very little idea of where to go. The only thing I needed to do was drop a package at the post office. While there, I noticed a crowd of young ne’er-do-wells loitering in front of Crosstown Arts. My inner old lady immediately wanted to shake a cane and tell them to all get haircuts. After I reeled that instinct back in, I meandered across the street to investigate.
I fully intended to go over to the Time Warp Drive-In and wish Matt a happy birthday yesterday. Then the bottom fell out. I wasn’t really excited about the muggy heat, but I was still excited to see the all the hot rods. Torrential downpour is where I have to draw the line for drive-in movies. My windshield wipers just aren’t that good.
Wow. The weekend was so much fun I barely remember last week. I also have a terrible memory, so it’s not as severe as it sounds. This weblog turns 3 weeks old this Thursday, but it feels like it’s been months since the beginning of June. It’s been a pretty hectic time for me – attempting to do/see/hear everything within a 10 mile radius gets challenging at times. Fortunately, I’m not someone that backs down from a challenge.
I didn’t go out last night. Oddly, I feel guilty about it. I deprived myself of yet another opportunity to listen to The Memphis Dawls – and somewhere as great as Bar DKDC no less. *sigh* C’est la vie! I was exhausted from the COTDevent that morning and sometimes you just need a chance to sit down and go through your pictures, right?
That reminds me, I got a new camera a few days ago. It’s a little Nikon point-and-shoot but, compared to its predecessor, might as well be a digital SLR. That pretty much covers all the lingo I was able to glean when I visited Memphis Photo Supply for advice on what to buy. These guys are not only knowledgeable, but also incredibly patient. I spent smart money on my needs, instead of just getting the best buy. (pun thoroughly intended) Continue reading Photography and Pop Art→
Last night, I had an experience with five strangers that profoundly changed my self-perspective. While that may sound hyperbolic (and perhaps a little dirty) to most people, anyone that has experienced the Spillit project live knows what I’m talking about. This unique production group, inspired by a podcast called The Moth, provides individuals the chance to open up in a safe space and tell personal stories.
The eclectic mix of props in the front window are only a slice of what awaits inside the Amurica studio.
Sometimes people spill their wisdom in a humorous way and sometimes they share a secret life experience. Universally, they all reveal a raw part of themselves that the average world never sees. It’s a captivating experience for the listeners and (probably) a cathartic release for the storytellers. Altogether, it comes out to the best $10 I’ve spent in a very long time.
After last weekend’s wildness, it’s understandable if you want to take it easy for the next few days. However, July 4th is around the corner and there will be plenty of private parties for kicking back. June has been a hot month for happenings and I don’t plan to quit now. Not everything has to be turned up to 11, so if you’re tired take a look and choose one of the less intense activities for this weekend.