Category Archives: Art

June 16

The main thing is honesty.

When we discuss the American Dream it’s often in terms of what we want to happen – not how we get there. The journey is the point. I’ll end up in the same place no matter what because everywhere is pretty much the same. I’ll be there and that is what makes the place special.

I just hope someone there loves me as much as I love me.


June 15

Geena Davis’s little sister from A League of Their Own is in prison!? This changes everything.  Fun fact: the actress is from Chattanooga.

Continue reading June 15

No spoilers, I promise

Orange Is the New Black is a comedy, right?  Well, Season 3 is hilarious… if you can handle a little darkness.  The writers are getting real about some things while keeping other aspects completely hyperbolic.  3 episodes in, I’m sold.

The tone is best expressed by Big Boo [to Pennsatucky]: Being too militant about anything, never ends well. #moderationiskey #orangeisthenewblack #Boowouldbeintome

June 14

Yoga is about stillness. I’m missing the chance to learn from women that understand this far better than I do. I’m staying home because the stillness of today is amazing. I’m alone. I don’t have work today. I don’t have chores. I don’t have responsibility. At least nothing pressing. The list of shoulds in my head could take over if I think too hard. So my yoga practice today is to remain still.

Eventually I’ll need food.

June 13

I got distracted and didn’t post yesterday. So as a special treat…

Blue eyes capture me
Clearly wanting what I have
I will give it up
And then move on.


The best thing about me is honesty. It makes me a polarizing presence; basically a snake. I pretty, slow-moving and prone to attack when startled. Snakes are primal. When they look at your, they see nothing. You have to either interact or look like food to get my attention. But really my attention is of dubious value.

I’m that asshole you want to fuck.

Buck up

I went out even though I’m depressed. Karaoke is harmless fun and on a Wednesday night there’s little chance it’ll be crowded. My friend came by work just to get me out. How can I refuse that?  Continue reading Buck up

June 11

I missed yesterday. Overslept and worked a double. Today there are no excuses.

Imagine a world without television. Not the physical object – the collection of artistic consumer-driven expression affectionately called teevee. Hollywood used to treat weekly programs as the red-headed step child of real productions. Movies make stars and television makes ratings. The artistry of a movie is in the acting and directing. Bad writing is compensated by the other elements of production. TV shows don’t have as much wiggle room. To get viewers you must have good writing. A great cast is almost as important but I’ve seen great shows make mediocre actors into stars. Just as I’ve seen movies where excellent acting elevates a bad script.

It’s a challenge to stay fresh on a low budget. You have to have a spark of creativity fueling the fire. You must connect to basic human nature and draw fans into a world that they believe exists.

It also helps to have a hot chick.

June 9

One     Two     Three
Bowling into memory
Not there
Don’t remember
Painted whore
Valued as nothing
Given everything
Too common
To Rebel
Too sharp
To Educate
Too female
To consider an equal.
Nesting as the egg
Flying as the chicken.

Continue reading June 9