Category Archives: Art

Red Dress

Look out, she’s got the red dress on. The dress I wear when I don’t give a fuck. My clothes meant for the Emperor lost in translation.

So many feats of architechture, illusion, smoke… covering up the natural beauty being. Just be. It’s not good or bad. Don’t ask if the dress makes you look fat – ask if it makes you feel good.

Too much ego is bad for the spine.

Dead Inside

These squinty eyes of mine. They may look glassy.  My expression one of cow-brained ignorance.

That’s just what I look like when I can’t hear.

Sometimes the chaos around me is so loud I can’t take it anymore. I just let all noise wash over me and fight my urge to fly.
I want to be there. I want to engage. At some point
the centre cannot hold.

Read the book An Unquiet Mind. There are revelations there.

I’m going back in.  See ya on the flip side.

The Stare, Starring Stove

I published a poem in the school literature book in 3rd grade.

I jotted it on a piece of paper during lunch hour. It describes the way someone feels when they are getting stared at. I used the same free form bullshit I’m spewing now but I’m pretty sure it rhymed. As with all my work, the title introduces the piece so we don’t have to waste time with context.

In the final printing of the book my poem The Stare is titled The Stove. It still kinda worked. At least, everyone said they got it. Whatever.  I wish that boy would just talk to me.

I’m at the P&H enjoying the unwitting company of strangers. Mosquitoes finding me inside the bar. Shadows walking up on my left. Passing me by, most every time. Nothing can really phase me once I’m sliced open. The shock alone grants me an amiable demeanor.

Music has a way of smoothing over every situation.  Next stop, Dave Cousar at the Buccaneer.

5-dolla Lifestyle

I know a wise Canadian name Gwarsbane that lives by a simple rule. If a game isn’t 5$ or under, he probably won’t buy it. Nothing personal against all the people that want to pay more. He finds that it’s more fun to play many cheap games where he periodically finds gold nuggets instead of investing in the one polished gem. At least, that’s how I see it.

I feel the same way about entertainment. Not sure if I mentioned a 5$ lifestyle last summer, but it was definitely on my mind. I look at the options before me and think about what I’d get for a Lincoln. Not a lot in most parts of the city. However, if you just want to buy a coke, roughly 2$, you can be the bartender’s best friend with that $5. Or barista, ahem, for that matter.

Then it comes down to the ambiance. Always with the ambiance! Why do people want to be there. Me? I look for spots you’d find in postapocalyptic Frost poetry.


From top to bottom
the bottom
to the

We can fall
from the sky
Not break

Then jump
From a touch
And crumble

Full of luster
Butterfly wings

Kiss me please!

June 30

There was chain lightning in the sky tonight. I caught a few decent glimpses on Instagram but then hurried home to get some work done. Energy work. The sky is literally crackling with magic.

I’ve discovered more of my shadow and it took me a moment to adjust.  I am used to hiding in plain sight.  Invisible in obviousness.  Nowadays I feel visible.  I feel like someone.  I like who I am enough to defend myself.

I am aware my shape is pleasing.   Maybe it’s DNA?  Maybe good habits?  I do know my body gets more pleasing the more I value myself as a person.  Boundaries and standards and all those other important things.

The glory of mother nature.  Behold.



Kept me safe when I needed it most.
And yet always the effervescent host

Loves me and almost all my flaws
Even the ones that come on paws

Has my heart at all times whenever
While I continue to love him forever


June 29

I woke up this morning.

After drifting away
The fog has dissipated
Snapped to attention
Seeing clearly and it’s
first time this summer.

The sun illuminates
And the moon glows
Neither see too
Well themselves.

Driving west
Freedom’s best
When you know what you want.

Vibrant feelings
Wash over me
Rainbow sunshine
Don’t mind the glare.

Always, One Thing
I staunchly support
Is Equality
Whether or not
It applies to me.

Other marriages
Plans don’t changeOther divorces
Human nature
Like you do.

The cats are clean
The room is swept.
Two more movesand many miles
Before I sleep.


I’m late cleaning.  I just digitally cleansed my phone.  I found pockets of debris from last year even.  It was not fun.  Made me realize the boxes of physical items from my past that I’m agonizing over isn’t really that much if you consider how much “stuff” we digitally haul around every day.

I got rid of something like a gignahalf of pictures and video.  Don’t even get me started about how all this plays into the bigger scheme of things.

Suffice it to say, I’m comfortable for the first time in ages.  Still have miles to go before I sleep.