Category Archives: Art

Full Moonish

There were complaints about the way I’m doing things.
I silenced them.
The choices made are less permanent if you don’t worry about it.
Loyalty is only useful in small gatherings.
I guess I shouldn’t worry about it.
Plenty to go around at family meal time.
No swimming in the genetic pool for me.
No matter how much it matters to me.

Stung by a wasp.
Emotionally punched in the face.
The silence is a refuge
A place where I can’t abuse
even my self.

How dare you
Tell me what.
I do remember.
Paying attention this whole time.
Should I win an Oscar?
Or just
Suspended disbelief.

I know what I want.
Done apologizing.
Because eventually
it WILL kill me
to do it.

Fashion Holes

If it’s possible, I will get a series of strategic body piercings I’m able to attach clothing to. Then I will custom drape everything I wear based on my mood and the occasion.

If people hang themselves from hooks, this must already be a thing. Right?


In the face of change
I always come back
to love.
For better or worse
A thing I must need.

Commitment is a
4-letter word
Whenever I meet
someone special
Or a residency option
if it is all that bad.

I don’t want you
or the horse
even if
the ride is fun.
I can do better.
Even if you do
Write sonnets.

Patience, like a wall,
Enough built up
To protect Jerusalem
And Tibet
Freedom weighing
Against liberty
We all gots to work.

No one’s watching
Let’s dance.

Grave Rolling

In seventh grade, I sprouted breasts.  In the eighth grade, the most eligible boy in my class wanted to go steady with me.  I was so excited. My mom and I didn’t relate on much so the scoring of high quality boy attention was prime pre-Prime Time TV conversation.

Mom, can I go to the movies this weekend?
Who with?

Oh, honey.
You can’t go out with him.
Why not?
You’ll give Pappy a heart attack.

Continue reading Grave Rolling


Past me
No concept
The beat
Moving through
rush. Lust.
My mind
Fucks me
better than you do.

Kept in the middle
Always eager.
Put together.
Get it or leave it.

Not everyone
needs a reason.
Not one has
a good excuse.
Human Nature.


I picture his mouth on my thigh.
I grab his head pleadingly
Please, oh please sir
Can I have some more.

Yes. That’s the point.

Fuel My Fire

I can’t hear it.
Turn it up.
Now get down.
I’m not sure the sounds
like that
are what we need.

Prodigies raging through
The need to please
Pumping the well
Dry your eyes
As each chance vanishes
And you’re not

Siren wailing in the corner of the dance
Balling her fists.
Ready for all of it.
Stay cool
Avoid the punch.
It is what it is.


I found out today someone I’m used to seeing won’t be around anymore. It’s bound to happen. Working at a cafe, there are many familiar faces. Some I remember and most I don’t. It takes prolonged repetition for me to notice anything. Short, genuine interactions one after the other. It can be exhausting. From this I’m rewarded with a handful of people I look forward to seeing. I’m going to miss this particular face.

I strange person walked into the cafe before closing tonight. Well, not strange. Needy. A very needy person came in. Trying to mask his need behind casual conversation I listened to stories about living on the street and coughing up blood. Fear of walking and fear of other people. Clearly I’m not one of the ones he fears. Instead he seemed to think I would be moved by his fear. I have pity. I wish him well. I don’t hand over money. It’s a choice I had to make a long long time ago. The problem isn’t the money. It’s the precedent. If you give money to one person, others want it too. I have to give nothing or I’d be pressed to give everything. I’m that way with my friends too. My good friends never press for much.