All relationships end, even the good ones. Continue reading Social Gadflies
Category Archives: Art
Past Highland
Time spent driving east is when I prepare for the stares. Part of my battle with anxiety, a BIG part, is constantly remembering that no one gives a shit about me. Left unchecked self-absorption engulfs my consciousness. Like a teacup poodle, my ego sits trembling on a satin pillow. Perpetually expecting the judgement it was created to receive. 99% of the time, it’s true for everyone. No one is thinking about you – they are too wrapped up in themselves.
I’m not truly that odd-looking, until I visit certain places from my past life. Then I get the looks. I consistently spend time in places where I don’t get looked at so now I can tell when people are really staring. Out here on the edge of East Memphis, there are people that openly stare. And then, inevitably, one old man HAS to comment on my tattoos. It’s cultural, generational, racial, and gender-derived patronizing at its worst. The same person is not compelled to ask a biker dude with a snake tattoo about whether “that hurt”.
I am crazy, but not about this.
Nothing to Say Here
Vast expanse of page, time.
Fun had before.
Fun yet to come.
Not much to say about it.
I did install X-COM, however.
See ya on the flip side.
Finally alone. It takes a while to appreciate. Snuggled in a pile of clean laundry, flanked by cats. Today, is just for me. I could sleep but I don’t NEED to. That’s progress.
Taking a step back, I wonder what all the fuss is about. Incorporating new perspectives like sponges in a body cavity. Dead friends are still dead. Living on within parts of me. Real estate investments for the afterlife. Just in case, take a little piece of my heart. After all, it’s dangerous to go alone.
Bad habits die hard. No habits is suspicious. I’ve lived long enough to just know things and not get excited about it. Learning things gives me a much better high. Remembering too much drags me down. The knowledge that sticks is either interesting or applied.
I can confidently walk into almost any situation with little to no anxiety these days. Mostly because I get to choose my own paths. Fall weather is almost here. Time to get some new shoes!

Winners are boring.
Losers are sad.
Middle class is a swampy mass of challenges
Sometimes fatal
Living in the middle
Keeps blood pumping
Ideas churning
Floating through time
Learning to choose the moment
Before it chooses you
Not thin
Never fat
Caressing egos
Stroking thighs
Collars chafe more than cuffs
Now about those hemorrhoids
Kinda gross
We all have to eat!
Dare you
Shake the peach tree
All grown up
Not ready to settle.
Creature Comforts
It’s amazing what you can live without. What is unnecessary for real comfort. Space is all you need. The rest, just add-ons. Wifi access should be cheaper if you live in a studio apartment. I only literally need an 8ft radius, better yet a 20ft semicircle, of Wifi. Start selling that for $10/month on a PS4 and I’ve got my new all-in-one entertainment center. I could even be talked into an X1 because of my Surface. I’ve never been this compact in my lifestyle.
I’ve discovered +mlook on my life GUI. Yay for me.
Small Talk
I don’t participate
Standing Sitting
On the sidelines
Tacit smiles
Forcing expression
Into my face
Emotion, as eyes
window the soul
Thoughts slide in
My mind open
Chasing dreams
Tangled in hopes
Repressed ambition
Boiling away happily
Evaporates guilt
and sinus congestion.
I wait placid
Not caring
Not interrupting
Patient, smiling
Less interestedIn your memories
Made before me.
Chronic nostalgia
Indicates discontent.

Panning for Gold
Funny little box Continue reading Panning for Gold

Dur Dur D’ete Bebe
I hear ya brother
Legs all criss-crossed
Wanting to dance
Before I learn to walk
Grace is how to fall
Like you mean it
Slick with clean juices
No distinguishable source
Sticky means cleanWhen covered in honey
Weights on my chest
Lift me up. Against a wall
All over the place, spilled.
No Reason to pretendIn the Life of a Darwinist.
Call me on the West Coast
You’ll have to leave a message
I’m busy staring at the sea.